Bones throws one punch wins ko in half a min

that is some sexual chocolate right there. Yum.
Either that guy has no chin or All ufc fighters are just on another level when it comes to rolling with punches
Just GOAT stuff right here.
225 pound man on steroids fights an amateur guy that is my size and KO's him. Gee, what a shocker. That was clearly a mismatch.
Either that guy has no chin or All ufc fighters are just on another level when it comes to rolling with punches
Wasn't his chin, the guy just sucks. He just stood there while Jones was winding up for a haymaker that still didn't actually KO him.
The sound you hear is not the punch connecting but is actually the sound of Jones' finger going into the guys eye socket.
And the legendary Bones one punch knockout power was born.
Jones was lucky that was Parker Porter and not Peter Parker.
gotta be weird for him to look back, thinking he was fighting some nobody, but it was actually a young goat