Bones offesnsive wrestling >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gsp wrestling and its not even close


Silver Belt
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hell even defensive wrestling too!

All gsp has is the athleticism and the quick td, he is/was absolute shit in clinch. Bones doesnt have to go for peoples legs because he is such a monster in the clinch but he can get your legs out from under you. Please stop saying gsp is the best wrestler or was the best wrestler ever in mma, its Bones and its honestly not even close. gsp never outwrestled a wrestler other than Fitch which was a great win, but he didnt exactly go to other people strengths.
Bones = GOAT of mma and GOAT of mma wrestling
what do you mean "all" gsp has you unachieved piece of shit
TS' account name = nuff said.
GSP has the best MMA wrestling ever.

TD accuracy 74%

Takdowns landed: 87

Jon Jones

TD accuracy 51%

Takedowns Landed: 33
Prime GSP blast double leg TD >>>>>> anything in MMA

Im glad you got dat out of your system, but I am not impressed by your thead, and I look forward to skipping your threads in da near future
Isn't that the smart thing to do?
was going to say the exact same thing. that was GSP's whole strategy, to fight away from his opponent's strengths. b/c he chose not to wrestle with fitch doesn't make his wrestling any less effective.

fact is that no one could stop GSP's TD, and no one could in turn take him down (including koscheck twice, who was a TD machine). and he fought in a stacked division full of great wrestlers, one of the best in the ufc for years. his performances spoke for themselves.
They both have awesome wrestling. GSP is more impressive though as he never came from wrestling, but Jones did
I disagree with some of your claims.

I think GSP has a better double leg shoot for example.

I think DC is the better wrestler overall for the big guys.
Why TS, just why? Why embarrass yourself that way ...