Body shots in the UFC


Come at me Bro
Mar 8, 2004
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Is there a reason we don't see as many body shots in MMA as we do in kick boxing or boxing? Does it open you up more for take downs or something? I know there are a few guys who use them well, but it seems head hunting completely dominates the striking.

Or I'm wrong in my speculation, which is fine too.
Probably most people just don't think to go for it
Opens your head up for more kicks, and it doesn't build up as much accumulative damage due to less rounds. They're good for setting up other shots though.
I think most people headhunt in MMA because of the smaller gloves both are harder to block and absorb less impact, making it easier to land a home run shot.

A lot of MMA fighters don't have a lot of experience striking either.
He loves them but he also eats a lot of knees.

It does expose your head as you won't have your shoulders to protect your chin as much as when throwing shots to the head. But still a one-two to the head and three to the body is a thing of beauty when done well.
Penn almost dropped because of Rory's body shots.

Mr Nick Diaz's might have the best currently.

Bas Rutten has the best of all time.
John Lineker has some sick body shot.
Anderson's got wicked knees to the body.

More importantly this thread needs gifs!
Is there a reason we don't see as many body shots in MMA as we do in kick boxing or boxing? Does it open you up more for take downs or something? I know there are a few guys who use them well, but it seems head hunting completely dominates the striking.

Or I'm wrong in my speculation, which is fine too.

The only 2 guys I can think of that deliver body shots consistently are Phan and Rory
One thing Diaz is really good at, maybe even better than flipping birds


Body shots when used properly by people who have trained throwing them a lot routinely have devastating effects. There are several fighters that hurt opponents with body shots in most of their fights at some point win or lose. Maldonado, Nick Diaz, Nam Phan, Mark Hominick, Dennis Siver. I think because you have to be ready to defend several different types of strikes in mma, a lot of fighters dont go to riskier techniques as their first choice, and throwing to the body can leave you exposed
Body shots when used properly by people who have trained throwing them a lot routinely have devastating effects. There are several fighters that hurt opponents with body shots in most of there fights at some point win or lose. Maldonado, Nick Diaz, Nam Phan, Mark Hominick, Dennis Siver. I think because you have to be ready to defend several different types of strikes in mma, a lot of fighters dont go to riskier techniques as their first choice, and throwing to the body can leave you exposed

I completely forgot about Nick, Siver and Maldonado
Kicks to the body can be dangerous.. get caught and you can be taken down in a few seconds putting you on your back.
You can't really fight in the pocket in MMA unless the opponent is tired against the cage, or has shitty defense where they put their arms up so high that their entire body is open for attack.

MMA striking is usually from a longer distance than in boxing.
Lytle threw alot of body shots in his last fight. I remember his coach telling him to turn his hands when he lands to cause more damage.