Body recomp vs Cycles

Paolo Delutis

Gold Belt
Oct 23, 2017
Reaction score
Hey everyone ...

Just a few questions about body recomposition vs the body building standard of bulking cycles and cutting cycles ..

Is body recomposition better suited for sports orientated training , such a preparing for a fight vs lets say the classic bulk/cut phases that alot of people do to get in "peak shape" from a bodybuilder stand point .

The reason im asking is because im looking to attempt a body recomposition styled fitness and diet plan to get myself to a weight that i can then either cut water from to compete or bulk onto to compete with . ..

My other question is bulking phase necessary if you are already above the weight you want to be ... essentially already bulked LOL ..

To be clear im not asking about cutting weight for a camp or something like that but actual walk around weight

My other question is bulking phase necessary if you are already above the weight you want to be ... essentially already bulked LOL ..

You probably would get better advice on another forum with dieticians or bodybuilders.

You probably need to give more info like your height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and pictures of your stomach with your face blurred out.
Yes and no to all your questions.

Let’s see how your body reacts to this recomp efforts and then take It from there.
Recomp is very slow.

I have seen this being said however to combat this or ways ive seen it done is to make your recomposition weight lower then your current weight or higher depending on your goals to kick start or create change..

For example ,

If the current weight is 185lbs , Goal weight is 165 lbs..
Therefore recomposition weight for maintenance marco nutrient calculations is for 165lbs not 185lbs which should in theory as i understand it work to create a quicker change...could be wrong though..

But this would be my approach in theory to i would be losing fat and gain muscle while getting down to a certain weight...
I have seen this being said however to combat this or ways ive seen it done is to make your recomposition weight lower then your current weight or higher depending on your goals to kick start or create change..

For example ,

If the current weight is 185lbs , Goal weight is 165 lbs..
Therefore recomposition weight for maintenance marco nutrient calculations is for 165lbs not 185lbs which should in theory as i understand it work to create a quicker change...could be wrong though..

But this would be my approach in theory to i would be losing fat and gain muscle while getting down to a certain weight...
That is just a cut then if you are dropping 20 lbs of weight in a short amount of time. You are shedding a little bit of muscle along with fat or you can try to maintain muscle while cutting.

You aren't going to be really losing fat and gaining muscle in a short time unless you are a beginner. My understanding is that stuff like maingaining, lean bulk or whatever is just body recomp. It takes a long time to do so.
Hey everyone ...

Just a few questions about body recomposition vs the body building standard of bulking cycles and cutting cycles ..

Is body recomposition better suited for sports orientated training , such a preparing for a fight vs lets say the classic bulk/cut phases that alot of people do to get in "peak shape" from a bodybuilder stand point .

The reason im asking is because im looking to attempt a body recomposition styled fitness and diet plan to get myself to a weight that i can then either cut water from to compete or bulk onto to compete with . ..

My other question is bulking phase necessary if you are already above the weight you want to be ... essentially already bulked LOL ..

To be clear im not asking about cutting weight for a camp or something like that but actual walk around weight


Recomp isn't real for most people and situations.

If you aren't attempting to acquire muscle and mass while mitigating fat then you need to be attempting to burn that while mitigating muscle loss. That's how my bodybuilding coach operates and he's an extremely level headed methodical guy and I've seen a large jump in progress in the last year that I started following him.
Just workout and eat healthy. Tadaaa saved you lots of effort.
And sleep well.

A) I'm a fighter
B) I'm a bodybuilder
Yes recomp works. It is still debatable whether to not cut and bulks or recomp is better. For some sports you have to think about weight class. Most people should get bigger at least for a time and then decide from there what to do with their weight. It is goal dependent.
Yes recomp works. It is still debatable whether to not cut and bulks or recomp is better. For some sports you have to think about weight class. Most people should get bigger at least for a time and then decide from there what to do with their weight. It is goal dependent.

Im speaking specifically about combat sports , and managing a walking around weight that can be used for either bulking to a weight class or water cut to another...

I dont believe in massive weight cuts and actually think it's counter productive for mixed martial arts and is only really effective in singular style (boxing,wrestling ETC) combat ...

That said...i dont know if a bulking/cutting phase and then maintaining is better or a body recomposition phase progressing to the ideal weight ...

I think like with the rigors of skill based training and strength and conditioning training on top of that...body recomposition might make more bulking would/could be counter productive or hard to accomplish...would take alot of calories..that said im not sure id be as strong as i could be or have as much muscle by doing body recomposition as theres no true surplus calorie wise with body recomposition your just readjusting what you have already or reforming in a way...

Hence my dilemma...i can give more details if you want like goal wise ..but i dont want to over complicate things either conversation wise
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If you are competing regularly then don't bulk. The only time I could see bulking is like if you wrestle for 4 months out of the year. Then maybe bulk for 6 months before re-conditioning. My advice would be to hit 5 pounds under your target weight with strict a detailed nutrition log then start ajusting caloric and protein intake with strength building exercises to reach then maintain the desired weight. Be deciplined about your diet and log everything
If you are competing regularly then don't bulk. The only time I could see bulking is like if you wrestle for 4 months out of the year. Then maybe bulk for 6 months before re-conditioning. My advice would be to hit 5 pounds under your target weight with strict a detailed nutrition log then start ajusting caloric and protein intake with strength building exercises to reach then maintain the desired weight. Be deciplined about your diet and log everything

This is single handledly the hardest part for me .. logging and dieting... excercise and training i live for and can do with a moment's notice...

Thats why i was wondering with this thread before i start making changes and i spend alot of time either which way i was wondering which one as body recomposition or even maintaining requires alot of logging...where bulking and cutting is alittle easier ..

Accurate information though...
This is single handledly the hardest part for me .. logging and dieting... excercise and training i live for and can do with a moment's notice...

Thats why i was wondering with this thread before i start making changes and i spend alot of time either which way i was wondering which one as body recomposition or even maintaining requires alot of logging...where bulking and cutting is alittle easier ..

Accurate information though...
In my experience. And my matabilism I had to walk a fine line cutting so logging my caloric intake was nessicary to optimize training volume while still cutting weight but everyone is different. The pros all hire nutritionist nowadays. I lived off blue gill deer meat spinach and salsa back then lol
Getting out of shape and only lifting and bulking fucked me up for quite a while lol. Got a lot stronger but wasn’t worth it