Body Fat Analyzer...

It calculates the electric resistance of your body with age, height and weight modifiers. Dont know the formula.

Fat does not conduct (at least not as well) electricity while water and muscles etc does. Fairly accurate if you use the same device at the same time of the day, after morning urine before breakfast (or some similar controlled circumstances). If you want to cheat, drink alot of water. The machine will count it to your LBM.
oooh! that's the one i used many times. best i ever got was 4.4%.
These things are garbage. i was told i was around 4% when i'm blatantly around 10% when tested with calipers.

They're bery misleading and can depend on things like hydration too much.
Impedance testing is best to gauge changes rather than a staticly accurate bodyfat measure.

They are pretty accurate at detailing how your fat profile may be changing from day to day, provided you follow the covenants of precision these things require for good readings: not excessively wet or dry feet, taking successive measurements at the same time of day under the same conditions, and taking measurements in your skivvies or naked.

That being said, I find that I get the most accurate measures immediately upon waking after downing about 500mL of water.
I don't know wtf my body fat is and I'd def. like to know. Is there any of these at-home things you can buy that really are ACCURATE?

my scale measures body fat (you just stand on it) but it's totally wrong. it relies too much on hydration. my friend went on it and it said 40%. he later went to the gym and was measured at ~20 :S
I don't know wtf my body fat is and I'd def. like to know. Is there any of these at-home things you can buy that really are ACCURATE?

my scale measures body fat (you just stand on it) but it's totally wrong. it relies too much on hydration. my friend went on it and it said 40%. he later went to the gym and was measured at ~20 :S

I'm afraid not. You're best bet is to get a pair of calipers and do a 7-site test. :(

Or, I suppose, you can try out a scale that can analyze body fat with Athlete Mode. I find the one my roommate has to be accurate enough, though I still use calipers so I don't have to adhere to the strictness of the scale.
I'm afraid not. You're best bet is to get a pair of calipers and do a 7-site test. :(

Or, I suppose, you can try out a scale that can analyze body fat with Athlete Mode. I find the one my roommate has to be accurate enough, though I still use calipers so I don't have to adhere to the strictness of the scale.

7-site test? what is that? i must try this if you say that machine is crap. i will admit though, that 4.4% seemed pretty freakishly low.
I'm afraid not. You're best bet is to get a pair of calipers and do a 7-site test. :(

Or, I suppose, you can try out a scale that can analyze body fat with Athlete Mode. I find the one my roommate has to be accurate enough, though I still use calipers so I don't have to adhere to the strictness of the scale.

This? According to this website these are the only way to go for at-home calipers: Accu-Measure Body Fat Calipers.

The site which recommends it says:

Accu-Measure Body Fat Calipers
At the moment these are the only body fat calipers that reliably let you test yourself. They are extremely simple to use and a recent study has shown very positive results for accuracy. Recommended in Body-for-LIFE and endorsed by the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation.

Thoughts? For $20 I'm def. interested.
I'm afraid not. You're best bet is to get a pair of calipers and do a 7-site test. :(

Or, I suppose, you can try out a scale that can analyze body fat with Athlete Mode. I find the one my roommate has to be accurate enough, though I still use calipers so I don't have to adhere to the strictness of the scale.

i went from 260lbs to about 180 over the course of a year but stopped loosing weight about 6 months ago, so needless to say i have alot of loose skin. forgive me for my ignorance but is a site test going to work on someone with loose skin?
yeah, this said i was 8.6... seemed low.
What, the 7-spot test or the analyzer? I'd like to know if those calipers I posted are accurate..

the analyzer, I think I'm in the 10-12 range, The 7 Spot calipers should be matched with a hydration test via urine analysis for best accuracy.
the analyzer, I think I'm in the 10-12 range, The 7 Spot calipers should be matched with a hydration test via urine analysis for best accuracy.

omg ok that's too much effort. a friggen urine sample is ridiculous. i'll just eyeball it :rolleyes: