Blue Belt that constantly "instructs" other Blue Belts ....


Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone else have that person in class who constantly stops rolls or adds their commentary during rolls? This guy will stop anytime he is pressured and tell you what you did well and why you got that position, constantly says things like "just relax" or "create a frame" etc...

I appreciate guidance, but the fact of the matter is he is on the same level if not slightly more sluggish than a lot of the other blue belts, and he constantly attempts to instruct people that are better than him. It's incredibly annoying. He only shows up to open mats when the black belt isn't there and I can't avoid rolling with him. On those days it's usually just him and a few other blue belts and purple belts.

I don't like conflict on the mat and I've sensed that it is simply a part of his character, so calling him out on it wouldn't change anything and just make those open mat sessions awkward. He really pissed off another blue belt a few days ago though. He had a deep collar choke on the guy, but the guy used it to move into side control and was in the process of escaping, so "Mr Instructor" let go of the choke and stopped the roll claiming that the choke was too deep and he didn't want to hurt his partner.....

SOOOO annoying
Yeah fortunately our instructor stops this and says "talk after the roll"

But you could say the same thing, just say "let's finish the round and talk after"

Or you can just ignore him and keep pressuring him while he talks.

Confrontation doesn't have to be a big deal. You can calmly and politely say "actually the choke wasn't choking me after I escaped" and just keep going.

Or like if he "stops" and gives up the choke just keep rolling.
Holy crap we have a female blue belt JUST like that. The funny thing is she comes to one class a week, rolls once and then makes an excuse to not roll again or leave. She's honestly not that good at all.

Yet she acts like she's a black belt... seriously. She does exact same stuff OP stated... Just instructing you mid roll... offering back handed passive aggressive compliments like "that was good... but you used too much strength there and not enough technique"

The one time I went ahead and arm barred her I learned never to submit her again... she got visibly upset and flustered and said " well if you want to just use strength and no technique be my guest"

She's cute though and honestly as a man it's hard to butt heads with a woman. And she doesn't come often so no need to create conflict. We are friendly otherwise just try to avoid rolling or drilling with her
Holy crap we have a female blue belt JUST like that. The funny thing is she comes to one class a week, rolls once and then makes an excuse to not roll again or leave. She's honestly not that good at all.

Yet she acts like she's a black belt... seriously. She does exact same stuff OP stated... Just instructing you mid roll... offering back handed passive aggressive compliments like "that was good... but you used too much strength there and not enough technique"

The one time I went ahead and arm barred her I learned never to submit her again... she got visibly upset and flustered and said " well if you want to just use strength and no technique be my guest"

She's cute though and honestly as a man it's hard to butt heads with a woman. And she doesn't come often so no need to create conflict. We are friendly otherwise just try to avoid rolling or drilling with her

Don't let her good looks deceive you. A dummy is a dummy regardless of what the chemicals in your brain are flustering you with :D
Holy shit, I can't understand at all persons that do this. It really gets on my nerves to no end, even if luckily after I got to purple this stopped. But I mean- I know you are not better than me and you are coaching me because you are tired/don't want a competitive roll. You yourself know it full well. What's the point of this except from losing valuable training time? Unless you are really dumb to the point of believing that people aren't aware of it, it shouldn't even save your fragile ego, the opposite actually.

Unfortunately there is little you can do without coming across rude or aggressive, but eventually if you can't avoid rolling with the guy you'll have to tell him to talk after the roll and just grapple.
I'm a white belt and this happens to me quite a bit. I'll frustrate some blue and they say to relax or that I'm flexible etc

Its even annoying when other white belts do it when I'm clearly in better shape etc
Seems like there could be one in every gym. I had an experience with a blue belt that would "coach" me through submissions on him, back when I was a blue belt. I would get a submission on him and he felt that if he coached me to the finish (which I didn't need) it would make him feel better about getting submitted?
Unfortunately, I was one of those white belts. Eventually, grew out of it.

We have a couple of now taken the torch. I tell them, less talking and more rolling.
I used to roll with this guy who would give up and walk me through the submission if I got him in a bad position. LOL. It's a little annoying because I want to earn my taps, but I get it.
It's just a defense mechanism people have to protect their ego, so they can look at themselves as some kind of helpful intellectual and not just a brutish warrior. Best thing to do is smile and keep on rolling.
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Holy crap we have a female blue belt JUST like that. The funny thing is she comes to one class a week, rolls once and then makes an excuse to not roll again or leave. She's honestly not that good at all.

Yet she acts like she's a black belt... seriously. She does exact same stuff OP stated... Just instructing you mid roll... offering back handed passive aggressive compliments like "that was good... but you used too much strength there and not enough technique"

The one time I went ahead and arm barred her I learned never to submit her again... she got visibly upset and flustered and said " well if you want to just use strength and no technique be my guest"

She's cute though and honestly as a man it's hard to butt heads with a woman. And she doesn't come often so no need to create conflict. We are friendly otherwise just try to avoid rolling or drilling with her

If a chick tells you you're using too much strength, you're using too much strength.
There is a simple solution to people like that.... DESTROY THEM:) I noticed that if you tap them multiple times they stop talking so much shit
The instructor needs to get on this and tell the guy to STFU during rolling.
The instructor needs to get on this and tell the guy to STFU during rolling.

He never comes to the instructors class. Just the open mats where he knows the main black belt can't make it.
Just keep whooping his ass if you're better. knee on belly, cross face and other moves that prevents him from talking.If he tries to talk, move to a more aggressive position.
I'm not even joking. Sing a lallabye like hush little baby dont you cry. Just soft the entire time you are rolling. Forces you to learn to breath right and he will be dumb founded
Just keep whooping his ass if you're better. knee on belly, cross face and other moves that prevents him from talking.If he tries to talk, move to a more aggressive position.

Him and I are of similar skill level, however he does have at least 35-40 pounds on me. I can always escape his top control, but controlling a much bigger man is difficult.

He also hovers around other people as they are rolling, gets real close, and starts giving instruction. He needs to chill.
I have a similar story. There is a new white belt who was always critiquing me during my rolls with him (me purple). I just pretty much ignore it since he's new, and I figure I want him to feel welcome. Finally, one day I was about to execute a technique, and before I do it, he starts saying, "I think you're supposed to..." I just then stop in the middle of the roll, and ask him, "What do you think I was about to do, since I hadn't started anything." He goes, "Umm, uhhhhh, ummm, I don't know." I said, "That's why I stopped the roll because there was no way you could know what I was doing since I hadn't even started setting it up yet. You need to just roll more and talk less." I'm not above getting tips from anyone regardless of rank, but it should be constructive and done with an intent to help. Not just an ego trip to hear yourself talk. Needless to say, I just avoid rolling with him now a days. Also, he's terrible. I know we were all terrible when we started, but don't go around correcting people when you're terrible.
Just keep whooping his ass if you're better. knee on belly, cross face and other moves that prevents him from talking.If he tries to talk, move to a more aggressive position.

Yeah, but I always feel a little guilty, especially if they are basically helpless because they're terrible.
Him and I are of similar skill level, however he does have at least 35-40 pounds on me. I can always escape his top control, but controlling a much bigger man is difficult.

He also hovers around other people as they are rolling, gets real close, and starts giving instruction. He needs to chill.

That's tough because 35-40 pounds is a lot of weight advantage.

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