Blogs/websites you read.


be aggressive.
Mar 13, 2006
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I was just curious what blogs or websites you guys frequent. A while back MikeMartial dropped the link to Marks Daily Apple, and i've been checking it out every day for awesome info.

Just curious what other sites you guys frequent for general fitness, nutrition, type of information and discussion.
I think it was Standard or Urban who also had a blog.
There's a ton I subscribe to. Here's a few:

Hyperlipid - Blog of an egghead researcher on a high fat/low carb diet. He posts up some good research.

Science Daily - Daily news related to health & science.

Conditioning Research - Blog of "Chris", credentials unknown, but he posts some fantastic studies related to conditioning and nutrition.

NHS News - Website out of the UK that breaks down recent studies that make headlines and gives an educated opinion on them.
Matt Thorntons blog, and a few philosophical ones.
And the most dense place of both quantity and quality information is this guy's post history:

Also also check out Berardi's and Poliquin's stuff from time to time.

Are you serious? Iron Addict? The guy has no clue when it comes to nutrition. I really mean none. Go to do a search on his name, and username Jerry(kim) it gets ugly and sorry IA is not that bright bud.
Anyone trying the high fat diet as discussed at Hyperlipid?

The concept of fruits and veggies being bad (DNA damaging) is somewhat new and confusing to me.

Seems like a lot of interesting information there though.
Anyone trying the high fat diet as discussed at Hyperlipid?

The concept of fruits and veggies being bad (DNA damaging) is somewhat new and confusing to me.

Seems like a lot of interesting information there though.

HyperLipid is radical; his articles and posted studies are interesting, no question. I do high fat, but I also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, so no, I don't follow the high fat/zero carb madness.

There is whole forums dedicated to it, and at one point in time, a very LONG assed thread on it here.
HyperLipid is radical; his articles and posted studies are interesting, no question. I do high fat, but I also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, so no, I don't follow the high fat/zero carb madness.

There is whole forums dedicated to it, and at one point in time, a very LONG assed thread on it here.

Cool, Im going to search it out and read the long thread here.

The madness becomes somewhat enticing when you read results like the "bacon /colorectal cancer" studies done with lab rats.

But yeah, all in all I couldn't hang with that diet long term.
Cool, Im going to search it out and read the long thread here.

The madness becomes somewhat enticing when you read results like the "bacon /colorectal cancer" studies done with lab rats.

But yeah, all in all I couldn't hang with that diet long term.

No, not myself, either.

This is getting OT, but I think, in the middle of the spectrum, is Paleo eating, with the emphasis on adding high quality fats for athletes. IMO it offers the best of chronic disease control through low-GI, fuels the body for intense exercise, and optimizes recovery and repair through whole food anti-oxidants and phytonutrients.

There are disagreements with many top people over a variety of things. Some of IA's stuff is in disagreement with the person who I trust most in knowledge of sport nutrition (he's not famous). The protein stuff was just one of those issues. BTW, keep in mind that IA's advocates very high protein levels for his clients (2g/lb). Also for the old school vs new school thing, those are two different training philosophies, perhaps one of the most classic disagreements.

Jerry does seem to have a lot of experience training people so I have a feeling that him and IA agree more on lots of things that they disagree on.
I've done the low carb/very high animal fat percentage diet before for weight loss and found it to be EXTREMELY effective for that. But there's no way I could stay on it long term...I just miss my veges too much, and I feel like my energy levels are down when I'm not eating them.

I was in ketosis though which sounds like it's somewhat different to the way the blog guy does it. *shrug*

Edit: If he's anti-plant foods what does he eat to get the approx. 100 grams of carbs per day required to stay out of ketosis? I know organ meats have carbs in them but you'd have to eat quite a bit to get that much.
There are disagreements with many top people over a variety of things. Some of IA's stuff is in disagreement with the person who I trust most in knowledge of sport nutrition (he's not famous). The protein stuff was just one of those issues. BTW, keep in mind that IA's advocates very high protein levels for his clients (2g/lb). Also for the old school vs new school thing, those are two different training philosophies, perhaps one of the most classic disagreements.

Jerry does seem to have a lot of experience training people so I have a feeling that him and IA agree more on lots of things that they disagree on.

Ummm no. You need to read those again. Jerry has his masters in nutrition, trains elite pros, and taught many such as Aragon, and others. IA doesn't know anything on nutrition. Point blank. The guy thought fat slowed down protein shakes(its in that thread) that is the first sign that someone doesn't know shit about nutrition.

2g per lb no matter who you talk to is not needed, and most top people would tell you that. You would find very few trainers agreeing on anything with him. In fact I can only think of one, and he trains PLers and doesn't focus on nutrition at all.