BLM in a nutshell in the words of its members

Pixelated Porn

Apr 26, 2016
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We should have a repository of the peaceful and totatlly NOT RACIST opines from BLM leadership.
I guess this shit was already posted here and there but why not have a definitive spot for such an inclusive and liberal and progressive movement supported by Obama and Hillary and the rest of the left.

From Yusra K, a co-founder of Toronto chapter of the racist organization

Then there’s Yusra Khogali, a.k.a. Yusra Ali, a Toronto Black Lives Matter organizer who back in February tweeted this message:
“PLZ Allah, give me the strength not to cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. plz plz plz.”
^ Somehow I don't think a Muhammed would be the one to ask for this. I mean, might as well be Sandusky asking Muhammed for self control.


^ LOL, this is the dumbest shit I have ever read. It is so stupid that any joke I could think of would make the words seem less stupid so no joke.
lmao even for BLM that's dumb
One of our prominent members had a long back and forth with this lunatic. This womxn ( wtf?) is full of hate and anger. It must be her dominant genes...
Is the Tea Party still labeled the hate group even though they've never done or said anything even remotely as racist as BLM has?
if you had superior genes, wouldn't you inherently produce the power needed to run shit?????

oh, that's not how this works?
And some forum users got really nervous when I said that blm is a sort of post-modern neo-nazism.
I wonder what her rationale is for replacing the letter "a" with "x" in the word human (humxn).
How can a subhuman race oppress a superior race? Does not compute!
Canada doesn't have the same issues that the US does. They have to shove their heads so far up their asses to seem oppressed. Its disgusting.
And some forum users got really nervous when I said that blm is a sort of post-modern neo-nazism.
Lol look up neo nazism it's not the same. Blm has some idiots in it's ranks for sure tho.
She sounds just like those black Israelites. Completly nuts and racist as fuck!
How come diabetes is so prevalent in the black community.

I wanna hear from that woman though. Not from you people here
Is that what they teach in African American Studies?
As someone with the privilege of being able to be a casual observer, watching this madness is very entertaining. Yusra K. Ali, you go girl, have fun with it.
If they're superhuman... how have they been subjugated by an inferior people, and for so long? How did the black superhumans get into such a mess... ya know, with all their awesome superiorness, lol? This is what I love about racial supremacists. On one hand they claim they're oppressed, but then they'll claim they're superior to the people who are oppressing them. So which is it, because you can't have it both ways. Gotta choose one, and stick with it. lol