Blast from the past: Serious Sam


Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
That game had 2 in my opinion best memorable things. Cheesy dialogues or should I say rather monologues and some serious soundtrack. Gameplay was on spot as well.


By the way, Serious Sam 4 to be released somewhere in future will feature 100k enemies at once...yep. My only question is, whats the point?
Was great fun. I'm not to keen on SS2 or SS3 even though it's more of the same, SS1 just kind of nailed it though and I replay it every now and then
That cathedral level at the end of second encounter is fucking baller yo

First and second encounter were/are some of the funnest games i've ever played. 2 and 3 weren't as good mainly because they veered away from what made the first so damn good. Hundreds of enemies and pure chaos non-stop. Such a fun co-op game too, lots of good times with SS1.
They released a Serious Sam VR game that I’ve been meaning to try.
Since the basis behind these games are shooting at tons of enemies, all i want to keep it fresh, is if they make a shit ton of weapons, each with a variety of different sprites of how enemies are killed.

There was a game called Armed and Dangerous that had multiple ways to kill enemies that kept it fun enough, but it needed a lot more enemies and thars where Sam can come in to steal its thunder.