Black students at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School are not happy about the police presence.

You can't make this shit up.

If you don't think a young black male gets dealt with more harshly then others by cops, you live in a alternate reality.

Yeah, I get it. 50 year old black dude in a sweater and glasses isn't getting fucked with.

The 17 year old black kid, isn't wearing a sweater and glasses. He looks very similar to many drug dealers and criminal scum cops deal with on a regular basis. It is human for cops to profile. It shouldn't be allowed as official policy, but it will happen.

I don't understand how any sane and rational individual could lack in understanding that young black males have a reason to fear police. The reason for that, is that police have reason to fear young black males.

Is there a reason we are pretending otherwise?
They are trying to, if you would take 5 minutes to use google you can see that there's plenty of black community initiatives against gang violence.
They don't seem to be working..
You don't think the crips or any other gang put cops on edge?

I do. The problem is that a law abiding 17 year old black dude, doesn't look that much different then, a 17 year old black drug dealer from Chicago. They tend to shop at the same stores for clothes.

Cops have reason to fear young black men.

Will you now admit, that a law abiding 17 year old young black male, also has reason to fear cops due to this reality?
They don't seem to be working..

Of course they dont, because no one wants to admit the correlation between education and wealth, which then correlates to everything else like crime rates, health, diverse rates, etc.

I don't know if education or wealth came first, but they determine all.
Is it possible to bring it up as something else than a "whataboutism" though? Cops wrongly kill a black person "whatabout the crips"?
When the cops wrongly kill a person of any other color (which is plenty) it gets swept into the statistical dust bin without the bat of an eye.
Of course they dont, because no one wants to admit the correlation between education and wealth, which then correlates to everything else like crime rates, health, diverse rates, etc.

I don't know if education or wealth came first, but they determine all.

Divorce rates. Fucking dubs.
Considering how many unarmed AA kids end up dead at the hands (or guns) of cops, I can certainly understand their concern. It can certainly hurt your school performance when you have to worry you might be executed for being tardy or not raising your hand to go to the bathroom

What are the statistics on that? How many times in the past year, or ten years, has an AA kid been executed for being tardy or not raising their hand to go to the bathroom, or at all?
Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

All these new gun laws those kids are marching for...

Don't they know exactly which demographic historically receives the most protection & service when it comes to gun charges??
pretty normal narrative: the same way that folks think police are overly volatile with black people, so are they with black students. It shows that the various people that want to stop gun violence aren't unified, but have totally different reasons and ideas as to how or why gun violence needs to be curbed.
With that kind of melodramatic outlook, I'm surprised they didn't go into paralytic shock due to being around other blacks. After all, black people are FAR more lethal to other blacks than the police. However, we get by.

Considering how many unarmed AA kids end up dead at the hands (or guns) of cops, I can certainly understand their concern. It can certainly hurt your school performance when you have to worry you might be executed for being tardy or not raising your hand to go to the bathroom

How many is it ? Go on...pull some made up number out of your "oppressed" asshole and don't forget to conveniently leave out the context.
Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

All these new gun laws those kids are marching for...

Don't they know exactly which demographic historically receives the most protection & service when it comes to gun charges??

Ironically, given the "snitches get stitches" mentality, the fear law abiding black citizens have of reprisal and the lack of victim and witness cooperation, criminals are under represented in violent crime prosecution in the black community
It's because cops are held to a higher standard and are expected to uphold the law, not shoot unarmed people. That's why there's a difference in focus.

If you want to fight gang violence, go ahead and do that. No need to bring it up when a different issue is being talked about.

Unarmed people kill more people than all rifle types combined each year. @660 in 2014.

People seem to not grasp the concept that "unarmed" people can and are often deadly. Especially when violently assaulting an officer. Attempting to disarm, etc... Context matters.
Tell that to Tamir Rice and countless others. Oh thats right. You can't. He was killed for none of those reasons

Lol...flourishing a REPLICA pistol ? Multiple 911 calls.

Imagine if you cowards reserved a fraction of the self righteous and laughable outrage for the tragic black on black murder rate that you do for blacks killed by police.

Truly tragic, but you dullards love to gloss over the reality of the situation.
You cant make this stuff up....

Who is raised to not like cops or not want them around?


People always doing something wrong and do not want to get caught

People with absolutely no concept of personal responsibility or accountability. That's who.
Silly kids. Don' they know all students are treated equally by the cops? Don't they know that a white guy with a gun is a good guy?
If you don't think a young black male gets dealt with more harshly then others by cops, you live in a alternate reality.

Yeah, I get it. 50 year old black dude in a sweater and glasses isn't getting fucked with.

The 17 year old black kid, isn't wearing a sweater and glasses. He looks very similar to many drug dealers and criminal scum cops deal with on a regular basis. It is human for cops to profile. It shouldn't be allowed as official policy, but it will happen.

I don't understand how any sane and rational individual could lack in understanding that young black males have a reason to fear police. The reason for that, is that police have reason to fear young black males.

Is there a reason we are pretending otherwise?

Dude... you don't speak for blacks nor do you have a first hand account of how police treat them given you only see a very very small amount of any interaction via social media or some shaky cell phone bullshit.

We have millions of police/citizen interactions a day. Many of them with black folks.

99% of any outcome, response, level of force used, etc... is dictated by a suspect.
Dude... you don't speak for blacks nor do you have a first hand account of how police treat them given you only see a very very small amount of any interaction via social media or some shaky cell phone bullshit.

We have millions of police/citizen interactions a day. Many of them with black folks.

99% of any outcome, response, level of force used, etc... is dictated by a suspect.

Believe it or not, I actually know a few black people.
When the cops wrongly kill a person of any other color (which is plenty) it gets swept into the statistical dust bin without the bat of an eye.

You have no foot in reality. Lol at "which is plenty."

It's headline news for weeks, spawns marches and "protests," gets sporting events protested, mobs of impulsive garbage shutting own highways, etc...