Black belt/ much time?


Black Belt
Oct 31, 2005
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How long does it typically take in years (or months if u are part of a Mac dojo) to atain a black belt in your dojo or the status of Instructor in your gym if there are no belt systems like in Wrestling etc or a similar level of profficency.

What is also typically a "right" amount of time that a person should train in order to develop the neccessary experience to teach the skills they have learnt.

I do Freestyle Karate and Kickboxing in Melb Australia. It typicaly takes approx 5 years of consistant training 2-3 times a week to obtain a Black belt at my Dojo.

What is considered normal and what is considered to fast?? I know a mate of mine got his Black belt at a diffrent Dojo in just 2 years and i thought that was pretty fast.
umm in mine it prolly take about 15 years.

1.5 for blue
3 for purple
5 for brown
5 for black

thats about the basic way right there, but that is training 4x per week and competing atleast once every 5 months
when you can tap everyone you roll with at will, then you can worry about belts.
i believe its around 10 years of consistently training 3x/week & competing on regular basis (offcourse that depends on the person) ... i'm refering to bjj by the way, i took karate when i was 11 and had i felt the need to waste time there i could've gotten my black belt in 2 years tops hell i could beat some of the black belts there after about 4 months of training so it really depends on the style as far as being an instructor i don't think there's anytime limit for that i mean some blue belts are instructors
I'd say a real Gracie Jiu Jitsu black belt would take over 7-8 years of training at least 2-3 times a week.
Probably closer to 10 years for most Gracie-sanctioned BJJ black belts. Some less, some more. But training 4x per week for let's say 1.5 hours or so each time.

Accordingly, I'd estimate somewhere in the neighborhood of:

3,120 mat hours.

Yikes!!! I've only managed to put in about 450 hours in 3 years.
The fastest to judo black belt I've ever met was a guy who got his in 3 years with zero tournament experience. He wrestled high school, then 4 years wrestling at a small college. At the age of 35 he took up judo and had his belt in 3 years. He competed in the Arizona State Judo tournament (his first ever tourney) shortly after recieving his black belt and won.

4 to 10 years for a judo black belt seems in the ball park to me.
Bubble Boy said:
The fastest to judo black belt I've ever met was a guy who got his in 3 years with zero tournament experience. He wrestled high school, then 4 years wrestling at a small college. At the age of 35 he took up judo and had his belt in 3 years. He competed in the Arizona State Judo tournament (his first ever tourney) shortly after recieving his black belt and won.

4 to 10 years for a judo black belt seems in the ball park to me.

Chuck Norris got his in 3 years and was unherd of at the time in his style and to be honest but his results in tournaments spoke for them selves........but not everyone is Chuck
If your training 3 x per week I'd guess it would take you maybe:

2 yrs for Blue
2/3 yrs for Purple
3 yrs for Brown
3/4 yrs for Black

So that'd total to about 10- 12 yrs. This is estimated from hearing people talk at clubs. Obviously, more you train, the quicker you'll pick things up.
That depends on sooooooooom many different things.
Where you train. How often you train. Who you train with. Who your instructor is. How you are as a person. If you are a fast learner. If you are a good teacher. How you do in competitions.
How Much Time?
Depending on your computer speed and where you live, about 1 to 5 buisness days.

Go to with a credit card and shell out $12.99 (US).
Cheaper than lessons!
I got my black belt in Joe Son Do in about 15 min
a guy at my school
took 5 yrs to get his blue, he can beat a lot of blue belts, purple belts
tough as nails, but wrong attitude.

hell if I was the instructor I think I would have kicked him out.

same school this other guy got his black belt in 5 yrs.

It took me a lil over 1 and a half to get my blue here.
and I had one of the most consistant attendants and I had been training a few years
before hand on and off.
I am thinking 9 or 10 more years for me so 12 years of training for bjj under Relson Gracie. I tkae classes 4 times a week and compete as often as I can. We'll see how it goes.
I think 10+ years is average, the guy who got it in 5, trains everyday never gets injured,
never skips class, and is a rare case.
I've heard of many instructors around here who got to brown, frustrated they didnt promote
so went to another school and got their black belts.