bjj rules and regs


Gavin LeFever

i guess rules might change a little from whomever is running the tournament but what are generally the rules for traditional gi bjj competitions?

do they check nails to see if they're cut? do they look for skin diseases and ringworm like in wrestling? is headgear or any wrestling/grappling shoes or gloves allowed? strict regulations on gi's aka no tie-dye ranodm shit? in some wrestling comps, mix-match soxs get you penalised..

no strikes, biting, scratching, talking, no one finger holds, no eye gouge or groin shots? and i am aware some comps have set rolls of no heel hooks in beginner or etc so those are specifics i guess.

i've never seen a bjj rulebook, so i'm just assuming from my wrestling/grappling experiances.
Check with the appropriate organization hosting the tournament. They almost always vary in little ways but are similar in many aspects. Too much info for a thread.
how much info? does it get as involved as folkstyle wrestling rules? cant lock the head unless there's an arm in the lock. cannot figure four the head. cannot scissor the body. 4 or more fingers needed to peel. etc etc?

figure there'd be less rules since there's more you can do with submissions.
A Fight Song hit my forum up if you havent yet. I dont know if I have told you are not @_@ trying to get the word out. Also you going to be at the Bud Cup tomorrow? (Look in sig for link to forum)
havent got around to registering for the forum since im usually only online before going to work or before going to sleep. the nc forum is a good idea. good luck with that. surprised there arent more grapplers online in the triangle though. AMMA and ECSA and numerous others are fairly close in the area.

i'm not going with woody this weekend. i've only done bjj for 5 sessions and i dont plan on going out until i break my bad wrestling instincs and feel a lot more comfortable. i'd like to check it out but my woman is in town so i'm making up for lost time.

anyone know where i can find info on bjj scoring? everyone says dominate and you'll win or tap them out and you'll win. i'm looking at but i might just be blind.
RobT said:
exactly what i was looking for.

question (not finished reading it yet): " The athlete will only be allowed to kneel after having taken hold of his opponents kimono. "

so you cant grab his gi and pull a flying guard? what about flying armbars and such? do they count?

" When the athlete inserts his fingers inside the sleeves or pants, or with both his hands on his opponent
Fight_Song said:
exactly what i was looking for.

question (not finished reading it yet): " The athlete will only be allowed to kneel after having taken hold of his opponents kimono. "

so you cant grab his gi and pull a flying guard? what about flying armbars and such? do they count?

" When the athlete inserts his fingers inside the sleeves or pants, or with both his hands on his opponent
what of slamming? it says no slamming from guard, but what about takedowns that are considered slams in folkstyle wrestling? do you have responsibility of their body until they meet the mat and have to bring them down without strong force?

i'm assuming head-planting someone trying to triangle me is illegal and powerbombing (a la rampage and randleman) from guard is a no-no.
do you release your hold when he taps on you, or when the ref touches you?
As far as taps on take downs it probably depends a lot on the tournament and refs, but I think in general no intentional slamming (attempt to injure your opponent) even in take-downs. I'm not completely clear on this one, but I think it has a lot to do with how the ref views your intentions.

Slamming out of a triangle is the same as slamming out of the guard, so you assumption is good, but say I try a flying triangle and you lose balance and fall forward slamming me I don't think you'd be penalized.

As far as releasing your sub, that's a good question that I'm not sure is adressed in a lot of BJJ rules. I have seen several situations where someone tapped, the guy let go, but the ref didn't see so the tapping person starts to fight on. In those incidents the ref once notified by crowd and competitor stops the match and awards the win, so I guess you don't have to wait till the ref touches you, but it will avoid controversy. On the flip side, I had a guy hang on to a toe hold until the ref stepped in, and being on an injured ankle it seemed forever, and I was yelling "TAP!" over and over, so I don't know.
the link says there should be a gi checker who checks the gi's and fingernails to see if theyre cut and etc. i guess i'd fire these questions at him during that process, like you can in wrestling when the ref is checking everyone.
As you know I just did my first comp. Slams on the takedown seemed pretty common and generally got applause.

Putting your fingers inside the sleeve or pants is only allowed for a second to get a grip by folding it up. I got a warning for that while passing the guard. I didn't realize I was doing it.

Nobody seemed to check fingernails or ringworm but it wasn't a problem as far as I could tell.

* 2 points - Takedown
* 2 points - Knee-on-belly
* 2 points - Sweep (from bottom to top)
* 3 points - Passing the guard
* 4 points - Mount
* 4 points - Back mount with hooks in

I think this is pretty common. The only subs they didn't allow for beginners were knee bars, twisting ankle locks (straight ankle locks were fine), and neck cranks. Neck cranks to pass the guard were ok, just not as a sub. Basically, if the guy taps to it you lose.
Oh yeah, I think side control was 3 points. I copied/pasted that from the budworldcup website but I guess they left it out. A pretty normal thing was this:
Takedown 2 pts
Side control 3 pts
Full mount 4 pts.

Now you're up 9-0 pretty much because you won the takedown cleanly. If you don't win it cleanly you're up 2-0 for the takedown and in the guy's guard. Either way, getting the lead makes him force the action which helps you. Sometimes the takedown takes a minute and the beginners went for 4 minutes total. The remaining 3 minutes goes fast so if you're behind you have to make something happen which is hard when the other guy goes into a defensive lockdown and is prepared to win on points.

Anyway, that's how it worked yesterday.