BJJ+Judo+Shinya Aoki= Ownage VIDEO inside.

C'mon man. 3 Darce/Brabos. 2 Osoto-Garis... Aoki's the truth. Seemed like he was just playing with them.
For the record Aoki does not refer to Komuro as his teacher. He refers to him as his senpai, which roughly translates to an upper classman.
Yeah aoki is the shit. I love his style, the osoto counter to the single leg was brilliant. His dvd is quite good too, he needs to make another one.
Aoki's a monster. I don't know what happen in that second match there, didn't seem to like his opponent very much!
Wow. I must have posted this a while ago. I got about 3 posts down before I realized that I made this thread.

Alzheimers???? :(
For the record Aoki does not refer to Komuro as his teacher. He refers to him as his senpai, which roughly translates to an upper classman.

I hate to throw up a relatively off-topic post in this forum, but senpai is also the self-given title of Dwight Schrute, which I find hilarious.
DAMN I'd like to be able to do those chokes that well...
Yeah aoki is the shit. I love his style, the osoto counter to the single leg was brilliant. His dvd is quite good too, he needs to make another one.

He did.

thats an awesome transition. Sprawl the single leg shot and transition to foot sweep nice!:icon_chee
Has anyone seen his DVD's. Any no-gi Judo in there? or is it all mat work?
Has anyone seen his DVD's. Any no-gi Judo in there? or is it all mat work?

No. Some submissions from standing. But, not throws. Just armbars, wakigatames, and I believe some trips into brabos, IIRC.
^no there are alot of osoto set ups and throws gi and no gi. The first one was all around awesome. Many of the moves are easily adaptable and have a good percentage of nailing. I need to get this second one!
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