Bit of Striking Help!


White Belt
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hey everyone, reletively new here been lurking for a bit. First I would like to say despite what Ive heard about Sherdog it seems like a pretty decent place, mind you every Forum has its clowns. I came here because I figured you guys could help me out with something thats been nagging me since I started training. My background, I started Boxing when I was about thirteen years of age, Muay Thai 14 and I got into Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling when I was 16, Im currently 17 right now. I guess a bit about my physique, im 6'8", 180 pounds (Skinny I know, this leads up to another question).

My problem? Brawling(If you could call it that), I can take a punch I dont get rocked much but for some damn reason I cant handle the type of fighter that just comes at you swinging for the fences. Im perfectly fine fighting a skilled Standup fighter who shows good technique and skill but one individual at the gym in particular gives me difficulty. His main strategy is to just come forward throwing wild hooks and punches ALA Wanderelei (Sorry if i spelt it wrong mates). I can usually get a few push kicks in to keep him at bay but sooner or later he just gets passed my kicks and I find myself in the corner or on the ropes in a defensive mode while he wails at my body and face. Ive tried stepping to the side like my instructor said and it works sligthly but as everyone knows moving forwards is alot easier than moving backwardsish. Now I have no problems throwing straights while he throws the looping punches but when he gets on the inside and Im forced to stay in the pocket is where I cannot cope. So ive come to you for assistance, what do you suggest?

My second question should probably belong in the Diet section but I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone, Ive been doing some research on Creatine to build muscle as im rather skinny and I was wondering what everyones thoughts are on it? Is there anything you guys suggest besides it for someone that hopes to start gaining muscle?

Thanks again guys!
Circle more. watch cro cop vs wandy. Watch how CC circled and hopped in, popped his shots off and hopped back out of range and kept circling. Well thats MMA, but its basically the same concept.
Don't try to fight him on the inside, that's where he likes it. Circle and jab to keep range, if he gets too close just clinch and tie him up, be sure to hit him going into the clinch and as you leave, he'll soon get tired and frustrated.
Are there take downs involved or is it pure Muay Thai or pure boxing?
This was just pure standup, I actually fare extremely well against Brawlers during MMA because I just shoot in to get a takedown and the same guy doesnt seem as aggresive during an MMA Sparring session, probably for that very same reason.
Diet? Hell no. You'd be a machine at 6 foot 8 fighting at the 170/185 division.

Just make sure the strength is there and don't worry about the size. Cardio, kettlebells and plyometrics will be your best friend.
im 6'8", 180 pounds

Thanks again guys!

Good Lord your a tall lanky guy....! I have had similar problems with guys who like to brawl as well (im 6ft 2in 175ish). Obviously, your reach advantage is tremendous so as noted below jab/circle/repeat! is probably your best bet. However, I know sometimes that is not always going to work. If it is just stand up your doing, try getting down lower and wider in your stance when he is coming in, once he begins to crowd your jab. (I would say eye 2 eye with your opponent but at 6ft 8 that could be tricky). This will give more leverage to push off (with your shoulder or forearms) and circle back out jab,jab,jab....... When a taller fighter lets a shorter fighter inside his range the shorter fighters advantage is he can still throw punches from his hips/core and youre reduced to arm punching, and at your height your balance is going to be compromised..........

P.S: if it's allowed, at 6ft 8 against a wild shorter puncher...... use your knees! just lift your foot should put that knee right in his chin!
If your opponent comes in winging, keep the 1 2's goign, straight dwon the pipe.. Keep your guard tight obv but the straight shots will always arrive faster than the looping ones.
Work on speed. It is the best way to deal with an overly aggressive opponent. He will be open if he is swinging for the fences. You have to see where he is open and seize the miili-second. The previous advise to circle is also excellent. Don't move straight back.
It may a little beyond your skills just yet as you are still young but try to actually block his punches. When you block them punch at the same time. These brawler type fighter only succeed when someone allows them to play thier game. As mentioned before straights down the middle. Try the blocking and counter too though. Not as two seperate moves but as one. It is not easy.
Hey everyone, reletively new here been lurking for a bit. First I would like to say despite what Ive heard about Sherdog it seems like a pretty decent place, mind you every Forum has its clowns. I came here because I figured you guys could help me out with something thats been nagging me since I started training. My background, I started Boxing when I was about thirteen years of age, Muay Thai 14 and I got into Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling when I was 16, Im currently 17 right now. I guess a bit about my physique, im 6'8", 180 pounds (Skinny I know, this leads up to another question).

My problem? Brawling(If you could call it that), I can take a punch I dont get rocked much but for some damn reason I cant handle the type of fighter that just comes at you swinging for the fences. Im perfectly fine fighting a skilled Standup fighter who shows good technique and skill but one individual at the gym in particular gives me difficulty. His main strategy is to just come forward throwing wild hooks and punches ALA Wanderelei (Sorry if i spelt it wrong mates). I can usually get a few push kicks in to keep him at bay but sooner or later he just gets passed my kicks and I find myself in the corner or on the ropes in a defensive mode while he wails at my body and face. Ive tried stepping to the side like my instructor said and it works sligthly but as everyone knows moving forwards is alot easier than moving backwardsish. Now I have no problems throwing straights while he throws the looping punches but when he gets on the inside and Im forced to stay in the pocket is where I cannot cope. So ive come to you for assistance, what do you suggest?

My second question should probably belong in the Diet section but I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone, Ive been doing some research on Creatine to build muscle as im rather skinny and I was wondering what everyones thoughts are on it? Is there anything you guys suggest besides it for someone that hopes to start gaining muscle?

Thanks again guys!

This is what my problem is too
Try and agress against him with you're jab,jab or jab right jab, and if he comes in with his looping hooks side step and pop him with a straight right. maybe try to agress -> Lure > Counter or just jab and side step
When you're tall and long, uppercuts up the middle are your greatest friend against brawlers, as is pushing off. Watch one of the Masters push one of the best pressure fighters of all-time back with his gloves:

YouTube - George Foreman V Joe Frazier I