"Bisping's gym is full of bums, that is why people come to America to train" - Drakkar Klose

He should specify.
America are 2 continents, I don't think people are flocking to Chile for MMA
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Bisping looked so pissed in his post fight interview.
Bisping's gym is in America. Bisping lives in America. God save the queen.
Theres a person named Drakkar?
Now thats funny
People go to all sorts of countries to train.

Drakkar sounds like a guy who watches Top Gun on repeat and jerks off every time.
Who? Why is some no-name trying to flirt with Bisping threadworthy?
Because Bisping refused to pay them when he made it.

Same work, why do his trainers deserve more money?


Bizking probably backed him down in the lobby and made him apologize
lol This trash talk definitely tops Matt Riddle's "Butter-tooothed Brits" comment.