"Bisping currently ranked fourth in the division"

Machida isn't even top 5.
Weidman would destroy him in every aspect of MMA.
Anderson would permanently mess Bisping up in ways he doesn't even know are possible.
Vitor already smashed him.
Chael already smoked him.
Jacare would dominate him.
Machida would KO him easily.
Rockhold would dominate him.
Okami would probably control him on the ground (if the UFC didn't cut him).

At best I'd put Bisping as the #8 contender in the MW division. He has no top 10 wins. Well, other than dubious ones like when he beat Alan Belcher after 10 eye pokes to where Alan Belcher couldn't continue, or when he grounded Brian Stann, who himself IMO was never really top 10 material.

Here's my top 10 rankings btw:
Champ: Weidman
1. Anderson
2. Vitor
3. Chael
4. Machida
5. Jacare
6. Rockhold
7. Okami
8. Bisping
9. Munoz
10. Carmont
Theres depth at Mw its just that theres alot of overrated guys in the top 10 like munoz machida, bisbing, and jacre.
His loss to Vitor and Sonnen is still fresh in my mind, I don't see how he's ranked above Machida or Jacare.

Machida has never beaten a boxer. He can't box. He can only karate. Bisping is a boxer. He can easily outpoint Machida.

Bisping would beat Jac, too. He doesn't make any of the mistakes old, non-prime Okami made. Jac doesn't have the footwork or boxing experience to outpoint Bisping. He's a BJJ guy, and Bisping has never been submitted. He's the toughest fighter in the div to sub.

Two noobs to UFC MW get flashy wins over fading fighters. Now they are supposedly better than virtually everyone else, incl. a top fighter who's been in the div for c. 7 years.
0-4 in Top-10 fights. He beat Stann who was called Top-10 by the UFC but was as low as #14 by other notable rankings.

He's nowhere near #4.... I just call him the #11 guy until he proves he can beat a Top-10. Dude defeats all non-T10s though. That's something to be proud of.
he is no 7 at best
ufc needs english fighters for uk market and bisping is lucky with his passport
I'm curious how long Bisping will keep doing this if he doesn't get a shot.

Is it safe to assume that if he gets a title shot and loses that he will retire?

He's making a very good living doing what he's doing. I don't know if this is what you're implying, but a lot of people seem to think that fighters who are not in the title picture should consider retirement.

Bisping is what he is. He's a solid fighter. He's not the most talented, or the strongest, but you have to take him very seriously because he'll drag you into the deep end if you let him and you'll get tired and lose.

Even if he continues to lose to the best in the division, I don't see any reason for him to retire, unless he starts taking a lot of damage.
I like Bisping but Machida would knock him the krap out in the 1st round.
Machida isn't even top 5.
Weidman would destroy him in every aspect of MMA.
Anderson would permanently mess Bisping up in ways he doesn't even know are possible.
Vitor already smashed him.
Chael already smoked him.
Jacare would dominate him.
Machida would KO him easily.
Rockhold would dominate him.
Okami would probably control him on the ground (if the UFC didn't cut him).

At best I'd put Bisping as the #8 contender in the MW division. He has no top 10 wins. Well, other than dubious ones like when he beat Alan Belcher after 10 eye pokes to where Alan Belcher couldn't continue, or when he grounded Brian Stann, who himself IMO was never really top 10 material.

Here's my top 10 rankings btw:
Champ: Weidman
1. Anderson
2. Vitor
3. Chael
4. Machida
5. Jacare
6. Rockhold
7. Okami
8. Bisping
9. Munoz
10. Carmont

Chael did not smoke Bisping. You clearly did not watch that fight. That was one of the closest fights of 2012.
Bisping is the NO.4 MW contender behind Silva, Belfort and Machida. Can some of the guys below him probably beat him yes but as of right now he's won enough fights against the Stann's and Belcher's of the world to keep him above fighters with less comprehensive UFC resume's.
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I whole-heartedly agree. It's always a joke where media rankings place Bisping. Like you said his best win is Stann or Belcher, and the dude has been in the UFC for 20 fights. It's not like he hasn't had opportunities, but he doesn't take advantage of any. And he didn't even finish Stann or Belcher. There was some alleged shenanigans to turn the momentum in the Stann fight. Stann realistically I don't think should have been top 15 even for wins over Leben and Santiago. Yet Bisping is always rated around #5, sometimes a little higher? It's a joke. Here are the mw's with better top wins than Bisping: Weidman, Andy, Belfort, Machida, Jacare, Rockhold, Munoz, Boetsch, Phillippou, Carmont, Okami, Wand, Cung, and Franklin. Yet he's 4th. It's ridiculous. It's funny, Hogan argues he's maybe the most underrated fighter in the sport, when reality is he's the most overrated. How many other established gatekeepers are top 5?
Bisping is the NO.4 MW contender behind Silva, Belfort and Machida. Can some of the guys below him probably beat him yes but as of right now he's won enough fights against the Stann's and Bisping's of the world to keep him above fighters with less comprehensive UFC resume's.

when did Bisping beat Bisping? :eek::eek:
I agree with Bisping @ 4.

He deserves a title shot to shut the haters up.

Machida has one win at MW, Im not saying Bisping is better(Id really like to see that fight btw). he just deserves to be ranked higher

You can't disregard the work in another weight class. Machida has beaten Rashad, Hendo and held the title @ LHW. All of which Mike attempted to do but couldn't. So, yeah, it's easy for me to rank Lyoto above Bisping.
I would put him fourth in the UFC at MW behind Machida and ahead of Jacare.

Many problems currently exist in the UFC rankings because of the match making. An thats not even taking into account if Anderson wins. For three of the top five then are training partners in MW.
Bisping got his ass kicked by a totally washed-up, chinless Wanderlei Silva. He isn't even top 10, and has never beaten a ranked fighter in his life. No offense to Wanderlei, but if you can't beat him you have no business even talking about top 10 anymore.