Birds nest in my grill-multiple eggs


Gold Belt
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Thread title says it all. I'd like to be humane if possible. Any solutions beyond just tossing everything out?
Buy another grill. Leave the old one til the birds are done with it.
Yea, they keep nesting in the vent of our dryer. It drives the dogs nuts!

I think the humane thing to do is just wait them out then find a way to prevent it from happening again in the future.
Could you give less information if possible you massive fuckwit?
Give it to nature. The birds will use it every year
Uh. Don't grill for a while. Enjoy their company.

I have a bird's nest on top of my weed whacker right now. I just don't use it, simple.
I say start the grill up. If they do not have enough sense, even in their early stages, to bust out of the eggs and fly away, then it's your obligation to eat them. Less stupid birds in this world, and your stomach will be satisfied. Two, um, birds with one stone
You should carry the grill high in to a tree so the birds can be raised in their natural habitat.
There is only one solution.

Throw some bacon on and make a meal out of the occasion.
Honestly, once the birds hatch it only takes about two or three weeks for them to leave the nest. Now, you will have to deal with some bird shit if you leave the nest.

I had a nest on my security lights by my back entrance to my house. It was fun to watch the whole process of nest building, egg laying, egg hatching and then the birds growing and leaving. If you have children it is fun to check on them everyday.
Get a cat, let Mother Nature bang, bro
I think I'll just wait it out. After they can fly though, it's eviction day.