Big toe pain and practicing takedowns . . . .


Blue Belt
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
I feel a sharp pain (maybe more like extreme discomfort) in my big toe whenever i practice shooting in for takedowns. I feel like i'm over extending my toe when i'm pushing off of it.

Is there anyway to prevent this? Is there a way to tape up my big toe or a different way of pushing off my foot during the shot? Maybe my technique isn't right; i'll take techique pointers if you have them!

Thanks :icon_lol:
did you injure your big toe recently? If so it could be broken. I broke my big toe (though I just sprained it) grappling and the thing wsa just unbelievably painful.
If it's at the very bottom joint of the big toe, it may be turf toe. It took me a long rest to get rid of. I basically quit grappling and trained muay thai for four months and it went away.
You probably have a sprained or broken toe. A lot of places use wrestling mats, which aren't good for going barefoot. They are too soft and it's easy to twist a toe. If it is only one of your big toes you should just practice leading with the injured foot when shooting.
Sprained big toe, very common in BJJ. :) Ibuprofen, tape, rest.
TS, when taking a shot rotate your lead foot in slightly. You aren't supposed to roll over your big toe. It may feel weird, but it is correct form and will help ease the pain. I've wrestled with turftoe:mad: before.......goodluck
I hurt my toe over a year and a half ago.

That fucker still hurts when I bend it too good luck with that.
I had my pinky toe pop out as a result of a scramble. it still hurts, its been 2 months.
Thanks for the advice, i'll try putting the toe on ice and see if it helps anything.

Also, thanks for the tip 750coop. I'll try that technique the next time i practice the shoot (it'll be a few days more than likely).

How do i tape up my big toe? Alot of guys at the gym told me to get wrestling shoes but i can't afford them right now. Also, i don't like sparring with takedowns with shoes on (i like to kick alot and am not comfortable with shoes on)

Thanks again!
Thanks for the advice, i'll try putting the toe on ice and see if it helps anything.

Also, thanks for the tip 750coop. I'll try that technique the next time i practice the shoot (it'll be a few days more than likely).

How do i tape up my big toe? Alot of guys at the gym told me to get wrestling shoes but i can't afford them right now. Also, i don't like sparring with takedowns with shoes on (i like to kick alot and am not comfortable with shoes on)

Thanks again!

I tape mine just around the middle, occasionally Ill tape a strip the length of the toe and then around the middle of toe just under the knuckle, however my toes main pain is in the very first knuckle right where it connects at the foot, but taping still manages to help it.
"my toes main pain is in the very first knuckle right where it connects at the foot"

I have had this for the last 5 months, im assuming it the grappling equivilent to turf toe.
Two words:
Wrestling Shoes

I love to go bare foot but too often my feet tske a beating when I do
i was gonna say tape it and if you want you could ice it.
Turf toe. It goes away if you lay off of it. But you probably won't lay off of it and you'll have it for 4 months like me.
i got this sparing with some bjj feew days ago. after the session i could barely walk on it. now it hurts if i put weight on it. its proberly just sprained so ill tape it and continue training .

when i tape it up do i just tape the big toe or tape it to the toe next to it.

i got this sparing with some bjj feew days ago. after the session i could barely walk on it. now it hurts if i put weight on it. its proberly just sprained so ill tape it and continue training .

when i tape it up do i just tape the big toe or tape it to the toe next to it.


I'm wondering about this as well. I tried buddy taping mine and it felt kinda funky. Which way have you guys done it?
i been dealing with this for as long as i can remember... Sometime the pain is too unbearable to lunge or pivot on...
Amazing how such a little body part can affect your game.
You could break your toe and not know it. I broke two of my toes kickboxing, but they were really black and blue so there was no doubt. I had to tape them up when I did BJJ but when I would kick box I just could not throw any kicks with that leg. Broken toe generally suck because there is usually nothing you could do about it.
There are several guides to taping turf toe online. Here's waht I have done for the really bad ones:

1. Tape 1st 2 toes together
2. Tape around the foot between the heel and the ball (spread your toes while doing this to keep from taping to tight.)
3. Run several strips on the underside of your foot, from the toes you have taped together and the strip that goes around yout foot. This will immobilize the big toe, keeping it form hyperextending.
4.Wrap tape around everything to keep it in place.

You'll walk a little funny, but it will keep you from putting too much pressure on that toe. Hope this helps.