Big Brother 15 Thread v2: Sheeples Edition

Will didn't bitch at the jury on any CBS episode. He made fun of the coaches (minus boogie) early in the season.

No, I was saying they should have just let him randomly do that this season as a stand alone episode. It would've been funny.
I thought Dan should've won but Ian had good moment's in the game too. The jury was insanely bitter, especially Frank. Britney said she tried to make a case for Dan but no one would hear it. Dan's biggest mistake was throwing the last comp instead of trying to keep Danielle at the end.

he said he didn't, and it wouldnt have matter cause Ian was starching him.

I think his biggest mistake was before he'd evict or nominate/replace certain people, Shane for instance, he'd say shit that wouldn't go over well. If his tone was more sympathetic and he drove home that he had to do what was best for him, they might have seen him more for the game player he was instead of a dude that was just there to slit throats.

i still dunno if anything could have gotten him 3 more votes.
Andy played the best game but unfortunately his game wasn't in your face or overly physical so people will shit on him for that. He played everyone the entire time by staying loyal to McAm until jumping ship at the perfect time. I don't think he would have done as well in other seasons but because this season was essentially one big alliance and a pecking order (instead of two alliances fighting for power) so he was able to keep himself safe for almost the entire game.

The only way Dan was going to win last season was if he made it to the end with someone completely useless, like Joe or Jenn. He was a previous winner that back-stabbed a tonne of people so even without the extra bitter jury he was fighting an uphill battle.
Andy is the only remaining person who even played. Spencer just hung out once Howard left and GM might be one of the most unintelligent houseguests they've ever had.

Whoever wins this season is gonna be up there with Jordan as one of the least deserving winners.
No, I was saying they should have just let him randomly do that this season as a stand alone episode. It would've been funny.

oh i see what you're saying. i wonder how bitter Boogie still is. He really hated Dan. That, plus Will calling Ian winning would probably keep him from stepping up like that.

It is a cool trick though that BB is bringing him in to try to set the jury straight. BB fans/players hang on every word when it comes to Will. They will probably listen to him.

Funny thing is, there's not a whole lot separating the 3 left in the house. It wouldn't be a huge robbery if one won over the other.
Andy not winning would be a robbery. Neither GM nor Spencer really has a case for why they should win over Andy. I think the biggest knock against Andy will be people calling him a snake/rat which I don't think is fair but dems the breaks.
Andy played the best game but unfortunately his game wasn't in your face or overly physical so people will shit on him for that. He played everyone the entire time by staying loyal to McAm until jumping ship at the perfect time. I don't think he would have done as well in other seasons but because this season was essentially one big alliance and a pecking order (instead of two alliances fighting for power) so he was able to keep himself safe for almost the entire game.

The only way Dan was going to win last season was if he made it to the end with someone completely useless, like Joe or Jenn. He was a previous winner that back-stabbed a tonne of people so even without the extra bitter jury he was fighting an uphill battle.

Andy is the only remaining person who even played. Spencer just hung out once Howard left and GM might be one of the most unintelligent houseguests they've ever had.

Whoever wins this season is gonna be up there with Jordan as one of the least deserving winners.

I would break it down like this:

Andy has done the most maneuvering. He's played the kind of game that could be blown wide open and he's managed to keep it from happening. I think he deserves the 500K. But like he said, he did it like a pussy. Like it or not, tact and personality go a long way in the final vote, and he's done the most to warrant disdain.

Spencer, i actually think he played a pretty decent game with the cards he was dealt. He got fucked really badly by McCrae early on and took a lot of heat for it. What he needed to do is pretty much what he did. He had to just lay back and keep his hands off til everyone's suspicions wore off before trying to get back in a position of power. Wasn't much room for him to impress, but he had a respectable outing. I think he'll give the best speech.

GM. Weird. She started off great. Was really friendly, everyone loved her. Nick went and she lost her shit. Started getting in fights, wasn't winning anything, and just sucked on the whole. Then i dunno what happened, but she turned it around. Has done very well in comps, became likable again, and actually contributed to the exterminators with a little bit of deception and obviously getting Amanda out. Enough to deserve the 500k...i don't think so, but i kind of want her to win because i think she's cool and turned shit around in a big way.
GinaMarie just won the first part of the last HOH competition.
Andy not winning would be a robbery. Neither GM nor Spencer really has a case for why they should win over Andy. I think the biggest knock against Andy will be people calling him a snake/rat which I don't think is fair but dems the breaks.

I'm pretty sure Andy will win. Everyone seemed to love him and they all fell for his act so why not? They will probably admire his ability to fool them all.

I wonder if he will use the money to buy a gold plated butt plug. JK
he said he didn't, and it wouldnt have matter cause Ian was starching him.

I think his biggest mistake was before he'd evict or nominate/replace certain people, Shane for instance, he'd say shit that wouldn't go over well. If his tone was more sympathetic and he drove home that he had to do what was best for him, they might have seen him more for the game player he was instead of a dude that was just there to slit throats.

i still dunno if anything could have gotten him 3 more votes.

Dan's downfall is he didn't prepare well for the jury Q&A. On top of that the whole exchanging things with Ian cost him as well.
Andy not winning would be a robbery. Neither GM nor Spencer really has a case for why they should win over Andy. I think the biggest knock against Andy will be people calling him a snake/rat which I don't think is fair but dems the breaks.

That's not true. Andy didn't manipulate anything. Laid in the shadows and just went with the flow. Id put him on equal footing with GM. Spencer I'm not going to defend.
Dan's downfall is he didn't prepare well for the jury Q&A. On top of that the whole exchanging things with Ian cost him as well.

The jury Q & A is so rushed now. I understand they have to do it like that because its live and there are still three in the house at the time but I didn't like it last year. I liked when it was a before air event and they got more questions.
The only question that remains is who will GM or Spencer take if one of them wins HoH. I think Andy would take Spencer so that's a given. Does GM or Spencer take Andy? I think that would be a huge mistake for Spencer, not so sure about Andy/GM. GM has held her own and winning final HoH would be another feather in her cap. I think generally with the exception of Candace she is well liked by the jury so she might beat out Andy.

Speaking of Candace, please stop saying Boo to everyone.

They should show more jury house like they used to instead of cramming a month's worth in to one show. I also used to really like when they would go back to the homes of the house guests and talk to their friends/family.
I'm pretty sure Andy will win. Everyone seemed to love him and they all fell for his act so why not? They will probably admire his ability to fool them all.

I wonder if he will use the money to buy a gold plated butt plug. JK

ZOMG you homophobe! someone call the FBI and have this man fired!

That's not true. Andy didn't manipulate anything. Laid in the shadows and just went with the flow. Id put him on equal footing with GM. Spencer I'm not going to defend.

My argument for Andy is that he was the mole that gathered all the information and brought it back to McAm which helped them control the game. If Andy was against either McCrae or Amanda in the finals he would have a hard time arguing that he should win over them but against GM or Spencer I think it's a pretty solid argument.

If he gathered the info and then lead the charge it would have been obvious. Instead he just lurked in the shadows while everyone wondered how McAm knew so much. Like Flem said, his game could have been blown wide open at any point but he managed to hold things down. Helen figured Andy out when he was HOH and wouldn't put Amanda up as a re-nom and then who went home the next week? Helen. Boom, threat neutralized. Then he flipped on McAm at the perfect time and sent Amanda home (doing a good job of framing Elissa in the process) and he just won HOH to guarantee himself final 3 and get rid of McCrae.

As I said before, I think the big stumbling block for Andy will be that people don't respect the type of game that he played even though he played it extremely well.
Spoiler Site Poll

Most Hated House Guest

Amanda 54.12%
Andy 25.76%
Aaryn 6.93%
Spencer 3.37%
Elissa 3.18%
Jeremy 1.97%
Ginamarie 1.4%
Candice 0.72%
Helen 0.63%
Howard 0.29%
Jessie 0.29%
Judd 0.24%
Kaitlin 0.24%
McCrae 0.24%
David 0%
Nick 0%

The fact that Elissa, Candice and Spencer are all under 5% is pretty messed up.

And I think we all know what this poll tells us.... America is awful and hates the gays/jews.
I blame the edits. They rammed Amanda down our throats as the mean bully right up until she left the house and didn't do that for anyone else.
I blame the edits. They rammed Amanda down our throats as the mean bully right up until she left the house and didn't do that for anyone else.

was amanda not that big of a **** in the feeds? because outside her tits i find it hard to like anything about her. aaryn and gina marie were lucky the racism bits played early and are pretty much forgotten. until it gets brought up on the finale.
Spoiler Site Poll

Most Hated House Guest

Amanda 54.12%
Andy 25.76%
Aaryn 6.93%
Spencer 3.37%
Elissa 3.18%
Jeremy 1.97%
Ginamarie 1.4%
Candice 0.72%
Helen 0.63%
Howard 0.29%
Jessie 0.29%
Judd 0.24%
Kaitlin 0.24%
McCrae 0.24%
David 0%
Nick 0%

The fact that Elissa, Candice and Spencer are all under 5% is pretty messed up.

And I think we all know what this poll tells us.... America is awful and hates the gays/jews.

i honestly do believe the fact that andy is gay plays into his ranking. if he wasn't gay his gameplay would be described as cunning and strategic. instead he is catty, gossipy flip flopper. personally, i could do without the crying but he has played the best game thus far.