Opinion Biden Approval Ratings falls to 38% - VP Harris at Historic Low of 28%

Obama?? Shut up... No he wasn't

Kamala Harris isn't a mystery at all.. She wasn't even popular in her own party. Biden only picked her to tick two boxes...

- Woman
- Black
- Qualified? Who Cares
Obama, the "Muslim Community Organizer"...


And lol at a Trump voter quibbling Kamala Harris' qualifications. Yeah, she's the most hated vice president in history (if polls are real again) because she's unqualified.
I'm not sure when the last time I even saw Harris. I guess it was when she wanted trees tracked by race.
They going to run her in 2024? Even Trump could beat her, I think.
I think it's telling how fast the mood turned in just one year. Whether it's 41% or 36%....

The 75% Approval by Democrats is a little surprising, but it's the massive drop in Independants (25%) that's driving the low numbers.

Biden's approval has reached new lows with his handling of crime, inflation and economic recovery.

69% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of inflation while 57% disapprove if his handling of economic recovery. Only 36% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of crime.

Biden only has a slim majority of Democrat support with 54% approval.