BEWARE: Vicious Fightwear


Yellow Belt
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, one more crappy store to be added onto the "DO NOT BUY FROM" list....
I purchased a beanie from viciousfightwear because I like helping out small companies of MMA, like I do with Truth Fightwear...and it was cheap too.

Anyways, I purchased and paid through paypal on October 9th. I e-mailed them two days later asking when they shipped it, and they told me on the 10th...ok so today is the 19th and I emailed them again, asking what the hell was wrong, and they just replied:
Hi Filipe,
Sorry for the delay. Do you have a confirmation order or name it was ordered under. I'm not finding your name on any of our orders.

and five minutes later I get a notice from a paypal account:

Hi Filipe,
Just wanted to let you know that your skull cap will be shipped out on 10/21-Friday. A tracking
number will be emailed to you upon shipment.
Thanks for your patients.

Yeah I believe 10 days is patience enough. Now I gotta wait 7 more days...they should be lucky they have dumbass buyers like me to buy from them.
yeah that sucks bro but it seems they corrected their mistake... cant ask for much more.
Well I hope so...but there is no garantee that the item will be here man...
Well, not every retailer in the mma world is like Ron at SSF. A shame really. Gotta support the good guys.
Who knows, maybe they're just starting out and haven't got their system down pat, yet. Let us know if you actually get your stuff, though.

Gsoares2 said:
yeah that sucks bro but it seems they corrected their mistake... cant ask for much more.
True enough.
I notice a lot of online retailers in this biz don't know how to properly run an ecommerce site, so it hinders their customer service. Basic things, like having the website tell the customer the order is out of stock, automatic tracking number emails, etc...
I'm sure it was just a simple mistake. I have met the owner who shows up at tons of local shows and gives tons of shit to the fighters to promote his product. e is a good guy and like somebody else said, he may have just started selling on the web.
I have been selling products to schools for years and just this year went on line and I can tell you it's a lot of work. I'm sure he will straighten up, it's a lot to get used to. I'm having to buy new softwear and upgrade my site to cover the demand. I wish him the very best of luck.
Me too, before the transaction we exchanged a few e-mails and he seemed very helpful, but after I bought it, things just didn't make much sense anymore. But you see that i am not bashing the guy, i'm not angry at all, if you guys sensed that through my post, i'm sorry i'm just saying be careful before you place a large order or something u know...but no i'll wait for the producut and hopefully receive it.
I just received this e-mail which resolved everything, and I sent him an e-mail thanking him.

Hey Filipe,

Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience. The email on Oct. 14th was mistakenly sent to you in the confusion of the different names on your order and email . We shipped out some black beanies on that day. You actually ordered a skull cap but you were saying beanie and that's were our confusion came in. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Your skull cap will be shipped out 10/21 and for the problems will ship it express so that you will get it on Saturday.

Thanks for your patients,

cool, email can be a bitch at times. I end up calling my customers because of stuff like that. I'm glad things are worked out and he seems to be a good guy, I wish him the best with his shop.
It would really help if some of these e-retailers coughed up the dough to have someone design the website for them (or the time to learn it themselves), that way stuff like this doesn't happen. In every system I have used, there is an invoice number and customer number generated and emailed to the customer after order completion. That way, there is no confusion, because you will have an invoice number.

I guess some of these outfits will learn eventually. It seems like they have the best intentions but for whatever reason, think they can throw up a website and run an e-store.

Glad you are getting it sorted out.
hows the beanie? is it a cheap one or a good one? The material I mean....:D
I went ahead and ordered a pair of the Vale Tudo Shorts and a hoodie, and even told them that I have a fight on the 12th of November.... I also ordered a few shirts from Hitman last night too....

Hitman gave me SHIT service last time and the shorts were SHIT as well (I never wore them after that one fight... not even to practice in.) Hopefully after a year or so they have gotten better.

Truth is my favorite short mfg, but they are all out of the white ones that I wanted... I've had the black ones for over a year and they are still in near mint condition.
They sent it on the Next Day Shipping which was really good, I wore it to the gym and I will post pics after i "fighter" it up by adding a bunch of patches :p anyways it kept my ears warm and the area of coverage is really interesting, it does not go past the eyes, you have a diagonal line that goes from the eyebrow to the forehead. So even though it is not their own beanie brand, they picked a good one I guess, the stiching job is very well done, it looks like a metalic grey/white lettering, anyways I enjoy the beanie. Thank you
I ordered a T-Shirt from Viciousfightwear last year..had no problems, the shirt came quick and is of real good quality, like mentioned earlier, must have been a fluke on the bad service.