$6 or +500Can someone tell me what the odds are for Francis vs Stipe to go the distance??
$6 or +500
Whatever system you use.
For some reason 5 round fights usually are +500.+500??? WOW i thought they would be muchhhhj higher than that!! i was thinking they would be around +$1500
Thank you for answering.
Don't even look at odds just bet the fucking house on N'gannou. Stipe is fucked.
Put money on Stipe, Ngannou is the most overrated hw since Lesnar. Watch how many of those slow ass uppercuts he wiffs every time Stipe feints. Home boy only knocks people out when they dive in on him with an overhand.
Stipe is actually an underdog in this. I can’t wait to bet on him. I’ll let the money keep flowing in.
You have to go back five years to find a decision in a heavyweight title fight in the UFC and both of these fighters are finishers. Would want very long odds for that bet.
One shot it takes from france and its ovaPut money on Stipe, Ngannou is the most overrated hw since Lesnar. Watch how many of those slow ass uppercuts he wiffs every time Stipe feints. Home boy only knocks people out when they dive in on him with an overhand.