Best time for mouthguard impression


Red Belt
Oct 27, 2002
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Does anyone know if there's a best time to make a mouthguard impression. But time, I mean time of day. Does the mouth, gums, whatever expand during the day. Like people say you never buy shoes in the morning cos your feet haven't expanded fully yet. Is there anything like that for mouthguards?
I don't believe there is any such thing. If you wear a retainer I guess you want to do it during the day (or the time when you would typically use it), because after you take your retainer out your teeth will move a little, and you want the mouthguard to fit properly.
Foppa21 time of day is not as important as .after you brush your teeth we do not need to know whot you had for breakfast lunch or dinner. Impression material will lock on to all those stuck food particals between teeth, very nasty.
icedog11 said:
Foppa21 time of day is not as important as .after you brush your teeth we do not need to know whot you had for breakfast lunch or dinner. Impression material will lock on to all those stuck food particals between teeth, very nasty.

Good point.
hahaha, yes I took that into consideration. I brushed my teeth and realised I just had enough time (well I was late for work so really not as much time as I thought I had) and threw the impressions into the mail on my way to buy the coffee for the day. Sothe stuff was barely in my possession for like 20 hrs before it's leaving the country again lol
This was not meant to be a lol post you have no idea how funky impressions can get after several days in the mail with food particals and saliva still in them, some times openning the mail here is quite a treat for our shipping and recieving department specially in the summer.
icedog11 said:
This was not meant to be a lol post you have no idea how funky impressions can get after several days in the mail with food particals and saliva still in them, some times openning the mail here is quite a treat for our shipping and recieving department specially in the summer.

Isn't that the truth.
ahhh but for the rest of us it is a rather lol post.

But I tried, brushed my teeth before. No food, rinsed down with water for a few minutes. But 4-10 days to get to you guys. Good luck when you open it ;-)
icedog11 said:
Foppa21 time of day is not as important as .after you brush your teeth we do not need to know whot you had for breakfast lunch or dinner. Impression material will lock on to all those stuck food particals between teeth, very nasty.

That's absolutely disgusting. I sure hope you didn't find any foreign objects in my impressions. I did, in fact, brush my teeth prior to making them, so I think I'm in the clear.
Lemme see, what did I have for breakfast.............
what are you guys talking about? Where are you sending your impressions? is there a specialty mouthguard company here or something?

I just buy the shockwave from walmart for $15, and its those boil and bite type.

but I would consider making a better wuality one because my teeth are important. lol.
mjfan12 said:
what are you guys talking about? Where are you sending your impressions? is there a specialty mouthguard company here or something?

I just buy the shockwave from walmart for $15, and its those boil and bite type.

but I would consider making a better wuality one because my teeth are important. lol.
mjfan12 said:
what are you guys talking about? Where are you sending your impressions? is there a specialty mouthguard company here or something?

I just buy the shockwave from walmart for $15, and its those boil and bite type.

but I would consider making a better wuality one because my teeth are important. lol.

Protech (Tom):

Gladiator (John):

Biteme (Joe):

and to a lesser extent, Opro (U.K.):

If you do a quick search, there has been a ton of discussion on custom mouthguards over the past couple months.