I don't care what an Inuit did there's alot more storys of people just pissing off brown bears when shooting them with smaller caliber rnds. You ever watch Wild West Alaska they had a older man on there that killed a brown bear with his pocket knife that doesn't make me want to try it. I have plenty ammo I won't need to handload any and why would you have a 30rnd magazine I know .22 is cheap but damn.
But the topic is survival, not the beat gun for larger game. As I pointed out earlier many Inuits still are subsistence hunters which is survival hunting. The the ethics and risks are much different than for somebody who is hunting for sport or trophies.
Obviously shooting a deer with a 22 is a bit risky and unethical but in a real survival situation you'll need to take risks and break the code of ethics to feed yourself and your family.
If personally rather have a 22 rhat can get rabbits, squirrels, birds and get a deer in a pinch than I would a 30 caliber hunting rifle that is only useful for deer.
People seem to think that hunting is easy and they are just going to run off into the forest and get a deer a trine they are hungry when in fact hunting was hard 10,000 years ago and it's still hard today, hunting is generally frustration and very difficult. Shit try hunting on public land where the success rates are under 10%....would you want to rely on that??? Or would you rather have a gun that you could consistently get smaller stuff with???
I've hunted for over 25 years and I've been skunked more than I've had success but I know in a pinch i could drop a deer with my AR.
I think you would be surprised how much big game meat gets consumed in Inuit villages and settlements and how many 223, 22 and 22-250 rifles you will come across in those areas....and they are hunting for survival....there's not much growing out if the ground up there in the winters.
Like I said for survival you'll take bigger risks and have different ethics because you'll be starving and so will your kids.
Another thing to think about...are people here even in shape for real hunting??? Stalking, packing??? Lots of people think they are in shape then can't even finish a few days of serious elk or moose hunting.