Best shooting games for your gf to play


Brown Belt
Mar 5, 2016
Reaction score
My woman isn’t really into video games outside of super Mario and little kid type shit and I was trying to think of a shooting game for us to play together

I was thinking maybe borderlands 2 or gears of war, any suggestions sherbro’s??
My girlfriend/now wife enjoyed Black Ops zombie mode for a while.
My fiance likes COD and Battlefield.

And Mortal Kombat.

She's awesome.
The only games i can get mine to even try are twin stick shooters. She loves them when she plays them. Then she quickly forgets, and tells me how video games are boring....
Hmm. I’d stay away from online multiplayer, but some good co-op could be fun. What platform are you playing on?
I'd start with something simple like single player Left4Dead on the easiest setting.
My girlfriend plays Fortnite with me. She just runs around and hides. Lol
Probably something simple and coop. Like portal 2. Sea of thieves maybe?? Halo 5 on easy .

Good warm ups. Obviously if you have Doom 2 on arcade too that would be a good one.
My gf cant get the hang of using the right thumbstick to aim. I guess Im stuck playing only Rockband with her.
How about shooting semen on her face?.

But seriously, perhaps maybe boderlands 2 , Overwatch,
Women playing video games

Gta online with the missus


Is fucking paradise

She played so much red dead redemption her roll-fight game was on point

Sadly we both work so much now everyone does short-form tv and passes out but she was quite the sight
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It's a popular game for female gamers

My friends fiancé loves overwatch, she is better than him at it and plays all the time.

Props to everyone saying borderlands 2, it is my vote as well, not boring at all there is constant action and it is a very creative looking game. Give them a siren and let the lead fly.