Ahhh you take the internet too serious. How have you lasted this long on here with such thin skin???
What if you had a loved one sitting in the immediate vicinity with a serious allergy to smoke, kid ?
I have one. And, I’d have shoved whatever that was up his ass. Whether it was tobacco, or weed. No matter what it was it was ILLEGAL. I assume you’ve left your parents basement, from time to time. They have signs EVERYWHERE that convey the message that SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED.
She has issues at rock concerts because of weed. And I stand up for her there, as well. And, I’m not against weed, or tobacco. I use both. And I don’t say that because I think it’s cool. It’s because I’m HONEST to the core, son. But, unless you’re in a bar in New Orleans, a Casino in Vegas, or a Casino in Reno. It’s against the law to light up ANYTHING...Let alone weed. You can’t even vape in most places, dipshit. Needless to say... She does not go into places where it is legal to smoke.
I don’t go around the internet acting like a fucking fool saying this, or that is cool. Maybe it’s because I’m older than 15. And, I see the big picture, pretty much 24/7.
Ppl like you defend Jones driving blasted out of his head. You say...
Well he only broke her arm. And, she didn’t lose her baby.
So tell me asshole...
How cool would it be if your loved one, with a serious allergy was in the immediate vicinity ? Fuck me... At the football stadium where I come from in Edmonton, AB. Peanuts are forbidden because 1/10000 ppl have a serious allergy to them. But, why should it have to be your loved one ?
Where has that fuckin asshole Nate been for over a year and a half ? Why hasn’t he been pulling that shit at cards in CA the whole time ? We haven’t seen him at a single card to the best of my knowledge ( If I’m mistaken it’s truly an honest mistake ).
Oh, you mean The Fuckin Fraud is coming back. Too afraid to defend. So, he’s going to fight Nate. So, now it’s time to bring sack of shit Nate, back into the public eye.
Do you see where I’m going, fuckstick ? Not til I told you because you were thinking about how cool Nate looked. Lighting up SOMETHING indoors ( And, where was law enforcement in the facility ? )
It’s not thin skin. My brain grasps more of what is truly going on in real time. Than your lowest level of intelligence the gene pool will ever experience can even grasp. Even if you’re given a year to think about it.
Don’t feel especially bad though, kid. You’re no different than 90% of the knuckle dragging punks in here.
What I’m really saying is. You’re not only juvenile... You’re stupid as fuck, son.