If anything the rules favor strikers.With the current rules probably wrestling. Not being allowed to knee in the sprawl, to a grounded opponent or the fact that TDD is not valued whatsoever in scoring, all give wrasslers a big advantage.
Edit; plus the early days of MMA show that BJJ has the clear advantage in both of their pure forms.
Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock say hello lol.
I will admit that it took wresting a while to adapt to MMA because the purpose of wrestling is to pin your opponent, but after they figured out ground and pound and the RNC, it became alot more dominant.
Wrestling is the obvious best base, but to be the best you need to develop all skills.There are times when people think what is the best base for MMA. It would either be BJJ or Wrestling. Which one you think is a better and the best MMA base! BJJ or Wrestling?
If anything the rules favor strikers.
Every round starts on the feet even if you were mounted all the way to the bell if the prior round, no knees to the head from top control, stand-ups all the time, etc.
The fight starts on the feet, thats fine, but every round?Because it’s a FIGHT!!!! Every fight I’ve ever seen has started on the feet. Smh
Neither, it's all about that aikido.
Yes Dan is a perfect example of a wrestler who had no idea how to fight, he was pure early on. I won’t concede that Shamrock was a pure wrestler...he was the first well rounded guy we saw in the UFC. He was far from a wrestler at that point.
It looks like a beautiful dance, not a self-defense art, lol.It’s funny because it’s so unbelievably gay.
Ah, the good old RIP fighting that made all other disciplines "Rest in Peace"Are you kidding? It's a tie between Joe Son Do, SAFTA and "Ranger" Stott's homemade style. Okay, I really dated myself there...
Wow, this is an actual opinion.Striking is the best base. I don't care what anybody says. I know a little about nerves and muscles, and developing the dexterity of an elite striker takes years of repetition. You can start wrestling at 18 and by 22, you will be good at it.
I think to be a flawless striker you need to start much younger than 18. The fine motor muscles required for striking need to be recruited and programmed as soon as a child is able to hold a pen and write.
I see MMA fighters older than 25 getting really good at wrestling, but not striking. They look good hitting pads, but when the pressure is on in a real competition, they turn into looping punchers with their eyes closed. Also, they don't have the endurance to maintain a high-output.
The only grappling you really need is to make very difficult and gas-draining for the lay-and-prayers to get you down. After a few failed TD attempts, most grapplers are drained.
There is a reason why Olympians like DC and Yoel Romero are opportunistic wrestlers (they do it when it is cost effective). It is tiring working for TDs.
Franc Mittelo is a boxing fanboy.Wow, this is an actual opinion.