Best mans name. Best womans name

Man: Zack
Women: Aurora

If i ever get identical twins, i would use Aww-tao-sick, in Inuktitut translated to English it means One. And other one would be Aww-gee-geek, in Inuktitut translated to English it means Copy/Copier.
I think of men's names that have no female equivalent even though some pretty masculine names have female equivalents so no Harry or Sam or Michael but a David, Brock, or Greg works.
I have two uncles named Roger and Graham.

I hate those two names, not sure why my grandma liked them lol.

Anyways, I've always liked Tanya, Laura, Jennifer, Jessica etc. For girls names.

Don't really have favourite men's names
For the girls: Dārta.

For the guys: Timur.

My daughter already got the badass name, now waiting for the son to arrive, lol
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Men: Ardaric
Women: Ardaricette/Ardaricina
I have two uncles named Roger and Graham.

I hate those two names, not sure why my grandma liked them lol.

Anyways, I've always liked Tanya, Laura, Jennifer, Jessica etc. For girls names.

Don't really have favourite men's names

Also, my old man is called Richard, that's a shit name too lol