Best Halloween Costumes - Creative and Offensive


Jan 7, 2022
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Let’s talk Halloweeny.

It was created in 1231 by German monks who had run out of hops for their IPA micro brewery. Because this order was not supposed to interact with the commoners, they donned a variety of masks going door to door begging for extra hops. The tradition caught on and was brought to the states with Columbus who was a big fan of dressing up.

any plans for tonight?

are you planning on dressing up?

what’s a fond childhood halloween memory and costume?

What are some creative halloween costumes you’ve seen?

what are some quality ideas for offensive costumes?

An offensive pair costume can be hunter biden and his brothers wife…

This guy thinks the restrictions on halloween costumes are getting out of hand. Yay or nay?

ScarfaceJr said:
Your origin of halloween is a new one to me.
It's been years since I looked this up but, IIRC its from a day called Samhain created by the the ancient celts, their druids if i'm not mistaken because supposedly during this time of the year is when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. So to spook the spirits that come across the people would dress up.
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any plans for tonight? No, I'm old

are you planning on dressing up? maybe to take my kids out.

what’s a fond childhood halloween memory and costume? When I was a kid going in drag was a guaranteed laugh which usually translated to an extra fist full of candy.

What are some creative halloween costumes you’ve seen? Upside down werewolf. Dude walked around all night with his hands up looking throught the fly of a pair of jeans and his ass in a button up flannel with a warewolf mask dangling between his legs. He had wolf claws over his sneekers.

what are some quality ideas for offensive costumes? Any recently deceased or severely injured celebrity with a spin on how they went/suffered. I've seen wheel chair superman, a Roy Horn (of sigfreid and roy fame) with a stuffed tiger pinned to his lapel and a bunch of fake blood, a crocodile hunter with a sting ray dangling from his chest by the barb. I'm sure there will be some zombie Queen Elizabeths.

This guy thinks the restrictions on halloween costumes are getting out of hand. Yay or nay? Yes and no. I'm not particularly concerned with what's offensive even though trying to be shocking wasn't really my thing. but I do wish people would be a little more considerate of when and where they have some of these costumes. For example hollywood quality gore costumes and slutty nurse are awesome at a bar, but aren't ideal costumes for greeting 4 year old trick or treaters.
any plans for tonight? No, I'm old

are you planning on dressing up? maybe to take my kids out.

what’s a fond childhood halloween memory and costume? When I was a kid going in drag was a guaranteed laugh which usually translated to an extra fist full of candy.

What are some creative halloween costumes you’ve seen? Upside down werewolf. Dude walked around all night with his hands up looking throught the fly of a pair of jeans and his ass in a button up flannel with a warewolf mask dangling between his legs. He had wolf claws over his sneekers.

what are some quality ideas for offensive costumes? Any recently deceased or severely injured celebrity with a spin on how they went/suffered. I've seen wheel chair superman, a Roy Horn (of sigfreid and roy fame) with a stuffed tiger pinned to his lapel and a bunch of fake blood, a crocodile hunter with a sting ray dangling from his chest by the barb. I'm sure there will be some zombie Queen Elizabeths.

This guy thinks the restrictions on halloween costumes are getting out of hand. Yay or nay? Yes and no. I'm not particularly concerned with what's offensive even though trying to be shocking wasn't really my thing. but I do wish people would be a little more considerate of when and where they have some of these costumes. For example hollywood quality gore costumes and slutty nurse are awesome at a bar, but aren't ideal costumes for greeting 4 year old trick or treaters.

Funny offensive ideas!

well said for the last part as well.

do u think it’s a precarious situation taking a 4 year old out on halloween because some houses really go for the horror theme more in line with pg13 or r rating that might be a bit too much for the young padawans?
do u think it’s a precarious situation taking a 4 year old out on halloween because some houses really go for the horror theme more in line with pg13 or r rating that might be a bit too much for the young padawans?

I tend to think those displays are pretty tasteless. I'd be mad if it was my neighbors, but I typically know the area where I'd take my kids and I'd avoid a house like that. It's tougher to avoid a house where the display is inconsipcuous, then someone opens the door in a full blown horror/gore costume. You just don't know it's coming.

Then again, with little kids you never know what's going to scare them. One of my kids would play with the bloody skulls at the costume shop we went to, but was freaked out by a Mr. Potato head costume. I try to be cognizant of the fact that you can't protect your kids from everything, and it's not the whole worlds job to do so, but a little common sense all around goes a long way.
Best costume I ever saw was this tall dude dressed as a demon. He had wooden blocks attached to his shoes, so with his already ample height he was probably nearly 8 feet tall. He had these wings that would swing out when we spread his arms. It was fantastic. But he couldn't walk very fast (he also carried a staff/scepter that doubled as a walking stick).

Damn. That’s a good one.

Best costume I ever saw was this tall dude dressed as a demon. He had wooden blocks attached to his shoes, so with his already ample height he was probably nearly 8 feet tall. He had these wings that would swing out when we spread his arms. It was fantastic. But he couldn't walk very fast (he also carried a staff/scepter that doubled as a walking stick).

sounds impressive but highly impractical.

i know this one is for cosplay but always thought this was a creative one. RIP big man

I'll hand out candy while watching Monday Night Football. My buddy is bringing his kids over. I skipped the parties this year but I used to go every year.
Your origin of halloween is a new one to me.
It's been years since I looked this up but, IIRC its from a day called Samhain created by the the ancient celts, their druids if i'm not mistaken because supposedly during this time of the year is when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. So to spook the spirits that come across the people would dress up.
Your origin of halloween is a new one to me.
It's been years since I looked this up but, IIRC its from a day called Samhain created by the the ancient celts, their druids if i'm not mistaken because supposedly during this time of the year is when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. So to spook the spirits that come across the people would dress up.

you know i wanted to add some historical quality to the thread but was a bit busy so decided to wing it in hopes of being right :/

but you sir i believe are correct