Best BJJ Gi


White Belt
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
I'm sorry if this was posted in here somewhere before.

What (in your opinion) is the best BJJ gi and why. What do you use and what are the pros/ cons. Thanks

There are lots of opinions on this, and there are lots of quality gi's out there to choose from.

Currently my personal favorite is the HCK single. Cheap and durable. It has a baggier fit than many brands, but since I'm kind of short and stocky I like it that way.

For my next gi I'm probably going to get this black Ronin (since HCK doesn't make a black gi other than the summer weave):
Depends on your body type IMO. Also, if you're looking for a heavier weave or a lightweight gi. Is color or fashion of any concern to you?

I just purchased a Koral MKM and I love it. I have about 8 gis.
I dont have much experience

but I bought my first one.... a Vulkan...

its really good so far, and very very lightweight
i have a lucky gi and its awesome. i wont wear another gi besides a lucky unless i have no other option. only problem with lucky gis is that they come with a pretty hefty price tag
i would avoid kimonos like the lucky gi. its just to expensive. I would focus on kimonos, under 100$. For example the sirius is very nice. But if you want to spent more money, go with venum. its unique.
i would avoid kimonos like the lucky gi. its just to expensive. I would focus on kimonos, under 100$. For example the sirius is very nice. But if you want to spent more money, go with venum. its unique.

I agree that there are plenty of good gi's to be had for under $100. Korals and Lucky's may be nice, but not nice enough to justify the price tag, IMO.

Then again, it's your money. So whatever makes you happy.
I agree that there are plenty of good gi's to be had for under $100. Korals and Lucky's may be nice, but not nice enough to justify the price tag, IMO.

Then again, it's your money. So whatever makes you happy.

although i love my HCK(comp single = over $100). under $100 mark it has to be padilla and sons kimonos
the cuts on the lucky and even korals are a lot better then the vast majority of gis that ive seen
Does Koral make a "clean white gi" without patches etc?
Is there a gold standard of gi? I see a lot of guys at my gym with Atama.
atama is a very good choice. no flashy just a simple kimono.
american made gameness gi's are on the top of my list so far i really really like the cut on the gi's and the single weaves are only 70 bucks at cageside. other than the collar being a little stiff( thats a gameness for you) it is an awesome gi and i will more than likely start using this gi for comps and using my atama for more training sessions
Gameness Pearl is bulletproof and has an awesome cut.
Looks clean too.

Finally got myself a pair of Ouano 99 white and I can say the same.
Depends on your body type IMO. Also, if you're looking for a heavier weave or a lightweight gi. Is color or fashion of any concern to you?

I just purchased a Koral MKM and I love it. I have about 8 gis.

Color and fashion really mean nothing to me. I'm more into the best bang for my buck. I want a strong GI that will last for a long time.
zing! my favorite and cheapest gi is the Hostile fightwear gi. awesome gi, light + strong, gold weave without any patches. booyah!
Atama was OK back when they were priced under or around $100.

Now their price point is ridiculous for their product. I wouldn't but an Atama, your money is better spent on a Koral for the same money.