Benson looks bitter


Purple Belt
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Anyone else notice how he kept reminding everyone that the fight was only on 6 days notice lol he sounded pissed that they had to talk about it

EDIT: In case anyone is unsure im talking about Yaotzin vs Mendes. Yaotzin is Benson's training partner.
He's been training partners and friends with Yaotzin Meza for years. It definitely hurt him to see him KO'd like that. That being said, I knew that guy was getting KO'd within the first 30 seconds of the fight. He kept his chin up the entire time. That's a bad habit that has nothing to do with having a longer training camp.
He's just defending his bro. He'd get crap for it if he didn't.
seeing your friend get knocked out can be a hard thing for fighters to do
He's just defending his bro. He'd get crap for it if he didn't.

Yea, but he def looked bothered which i could understand, i thought no way in hell there going to put Benson on the spot and then they did lol.
I think most people expected Yaotzin to get blown out of the water like that.

That dude had no chance in hell at beating Money Mendes so I don't know why he's crying.
I think he looks huge. Hard to believe he is a LW.
Yea, but he def looked bothered which i could understand, i thought no way in hell there going to put Benson on the spot and then they did lol.

Yeah I thought they'd kinda tiptoe around it, but Jay Glazer being the know it all hjerk he is, had to tell Benson what his partner was doing wrong....:wink:
i saw it coming, chad mendez for your ufc debut? dana musta wanted to make a point with him that your lil buddies cant get u in UFC
Lol glaze layed it on thick reminding Ben that his training partner got knocked out
I thought it was a stupid move to have Benson on the panel right after the last fight of the prelims where his friend is put in a huge mismatch against a Monster like Mendes.

I thought Chael was rubbing it in a bit too but isn't Chael friends with Mendes and the Alpha Male guys?