Benson was known, respected, but did not have a multi million dollar hype machine promoting him by Dana & his henchman.
Hence all this, OMG Conor is a once in a lifetime brave soul (He still is for wanting RDA) but yeah...
Every chick you meet, will know about two MMA fighters. Ronda, and Conor. & thats it.
UFC Hype machine = MMA TMZ
*Nasaly girl voice*
Omgggg...didn't that Irish Conor guy fight a bigger guy and get knocked out?? I mean, that takes alot of guts, I like...totally respect him for trying...
*Same girl 5 months ago*
Omgggg... Ronda talked like...SOO much shit, then she got her ass kicked. i knowwww embarassing, aaaparentlyyyy she didnt even do anything to the other girl...