Bendo showing the blueprint on how to beat...


Green Belt
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
.....taller fighters with longer reach.

First of all, I thought that It was of the better cards that i remember in recent history. I would have PAID for this card. Some up and coming talent on display last night, my fav was Trujillo.

On to Bendo.

Bendo's game plan was masterful last night. He showed amazing skill on closing the distance and the blueprint on how to beat a taller fighter with longer reach. It was like someone shrunk Shogun and Gus to scale, changed their shorts and made them fight again.....but this time, Shogun won...

I see Bendo reigning for a long time at 155, I don't see him beaten for a long time.

On to MacDonald.....holy shit...that's all. This dude is a monster, although I think Condit would still beat him.

Over all, this card reminded me what it was liike when the UFC gave the spectator VALUE.....and what a value it was. I've went away and not cared about most cards in the past, but this one bought me back. Amazing from the first fight, to the last.
No not quite. More like a blueprint for beating a Diaz-style fighter: someone who uses hands only, has ordinary wrestling, not explosive, slow-footed. Gus can kick, has good speed and great footwork for a 205er.
I thought Forrest showed that you kick a boxers legs when he fought Rampage, and I'm pretty sure that Condit utilized kicks and movement to do the same to Nick.
.....taller fighters with longer reach.

First of all, I thought that It was of the better cards that i remember in recent history. I would have PAID for this card. Some up and coming talent on display last night, my fav was Trujillo.

On to Bendo.

Bendo's game plan was masterful last night. He showed amazing skill on closing the distance and the blueprint on how to beat a taller fighter with longer reach. It was like someone shrunk Shogun and Gus to scale, changed their shorts and made them fight again.....but this time, Shogun won...

I see Bendo reigning for a long time at 155, I don't see him beaten for a long time.

On to MacDonald.....holy shit...that's all. This dude is a monster, although I think Condit would still beat him.

Over all, this card reminded me what it was liike when the UFC gave the spectator VALUE.....and what a value it was. I've went away and not cared about most cards in the past, but this one bought me back. Amazing from the first fight, to the last.

People saw Bendo being able to kick Nates leg at will, which, nullifies Nate's boxing. This to me was key for Bendo. But, don't stereo type tall fighters. Each fighter brings different tools and challenges. Anthony Pettis is taller but brings a different set of skills, whom, bendo loss to.
No not quite. More like a blueprint for beating a Diaz-style fighter: someone who uses hands only, has ordinary wrestling, not explosive, slow-footed. Gus can kick, has good speed and great footwork for a 205er.

Besides the teep, Gus and Diaz styles are pretty close in the stand up. The Bendo Diaz fight was over in the first 2 minutes. After those leg kicks, Diaz was never the same fighter. Fights too much like a boxer, leaves that front foot out. Bendo decided that fight after 2 minutes. Diaz could not punch w/out that lead leg, could not wrestle. I can't help but think what would have happened if Shogun uses the same strategy on Gus. I would have been a totally different fight. Gun forgot how to kick last night. I was yelling at the tv, Gus was leaving that lead leg out and I was willing Shogun to attack know what it's like to be a fan, yelling at the tv and hoping he would hear you, meanwhile your g/f and friends that are watching the fight look at you like you're a looser....kind of like that.

not trying to argue CPH, just want to see other ppl's point of view.
People saw Bendo being able to kick Nates leg at will, which, nullifies Nate's boxing. This to me was key for Bendo. But, don't stereo type tall fighters. Each fighter brings different tools and challenges. Anthony Pettis is taller but brings a different set of skills, whom, bendo loss to.

I scored that fight for Bendo, sorry bro. Everyone is too hung up on that damn cage kick that it blurs the other 4.88 rounds.

Yes, pettis is taller, but not as tall for the weight class as Diaz. Sure as hell does not have the reach of a diaz. Not the same style either.
Anyone remember Shogun going for a leg kick, missing it, then turning it into a tornado kick??? Knee injuries really did a number on him.
So you're saying that all tall fighters fight like Nate Daiz...
Leg kicks have always been something that the Diaz bros have been susceptible to. They are the reason that I thought Cerrone was going to beat Nate, but, obviously, he got suckered into a boxing match that favored Nate's style. Bendo was too smart to play Nate's game, and he won the fight because of it.