In a culture which revolves around delivering burns or rhetorical smackdowns, instead of any in-depth political or moral thought, I do not see why Shapiro or the likes of him ought to be thrown under the bus, over all of the others that partake in the same culture. They're products of the intellectual environment around them.
If Shapiro was deeply invested in political or moral thought, without the ability to deliver smackdowns, nobody'd give a shit about him. Can't blame him for focusing on the latter instead of the former.
If one wants to trash Shapiro for this, then one ought to ask themselves when they last truly put in the effort to dig up a modern "intellectual", deeply invested in political thought, over browsing their Youtube faves with a million hits.
I agree with almost all of this; with one important caveat.
The important thinkers and people behind the scenes care about real intellectual discourse and ideas, just not that general audience.
The money is not there, but the ideas and reputation to be made are in most circumstances. Albeit, this is a harder journey if you are on the right.
Unfortunately, I would also add that on the left and right, the general audience is trying to shame the intellectual audience into following the group.
On the left that means anything that say challenges the orthodoxy of social justice will have a tremendous push back.
On the right that means anything that challenges Trumpania will have tremendous pushback.
Whether Bannon's public crusade against National Review, or the academics eaten alive for suggesting culture influences your success in American culture. (The left and right are perfecting the art of the Twitter mob.)
It is easy to be declared an apostate and bring on the wrath of the crowd in an era of the internet.
What might we learn for this about Shapiro or Maddow or Hannity?
Anyone reading or listening to a talking head who only wants to quarrel with no substance should stop right now, and look for real answers. If your favorite wag is only insulting the other side, you are engaged in a team sport, not real politics.