This is from a 20 year study. Burning sucks.
- - Five-thousand two-hundred-sixty patients were admitted after burn injury from July 1989 to June 2009, and of those, 145 patients died after burn injury. Of these patients, 144 patients had an autopsy. The leading causes of death over 20 years were sepsis (47%), respiratory failure (29%), anoxic brain injury (16%), and shock (8%). From 1989 to 1999, sepsis accounted for 35% of deaths but increased to 54% from 1999 to 2009, with a significant increase in the proportion due to antibiotic resistant organisms (P < 0.05).
Eaten alive is more case specific, but I'd think anything that can eat you alive can overpower you, tear you to shreds and you'd probably be unconscious quicker and not have to experience the entire brunt of it. Then again there have been people mauled and eaten by bears that were conscious through a lot of it.
All in all I'd take my chances with being eaten. Burning to death is somehow more of a horrific experience in my opinion and possibly the most painful shit you could ever feel.