Begining Supplements

Masakatsu Funaki #1

Black Belt
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
In the past two days, I have took in so much info through various threads throughout this portion of sherdog. This is pretty much my new home here (forget MMA discussion :p). Working at GNC has also yeilded a lot of nice information regarding certain products, plus the 30% of discount and free stuff will come in handy!

Anywho, I get paid today from GNC and tomorrow from my other job, and I plan to start my first wave of supplements. I scored a free tub of Isopure (50grams of protien, no carbs) and have taking in one serving of that in the morning, replacing my normal (unhealty...AKA frozen waffles) breakfast .

I usually take my GNC Mega Men Mulit along with the shake. (Will taking my multi with the shake, still yeild the same benefits as far as absorption, as it would if I where to eat a meal and take my mulit?). I take the mulit two times a day, once in the morning, and once at diner.

I have also been taking L-Arginine, around 3,000mg a day, for all sorts of reasons. After reading around a bit though, I think I am going to finish off this bottle and discontinue to use it. I plan to just save the money I would spend on L-Arginine (around 12 bucks) and use it for some No-Xplode instead.

Thats pretty much all I take right now. I am going to start working on my diet to, which has been pretty horrid.

My goals are kinda simple right now. I pretty much want to cut off extra fat, from my poor diet and replace it with some lean muscle mass, but nothing that is going to weigh me down too much. I weigh around 160 at the moment, and would like to stay around that weight. I want to look nice and cut, but that isn't the most important reason. I really just want to increase my strength for grappling. I also want to increase my endurance and mental sharpness.

I have been looking at this site for a a few minutes now:

and cant decided what I really want to get. I already have the protein covered for awhile, and I have a good mulit. I doubt I can afford No-Xplode right now (I roughly get to spend around 50 bucks of my check on myself, and that has to last me 2 weeks, and this includes outings with g/f and friends. :/) What could a buy that would help with some of the goals I listed, that is kinda cheap?

I am thinking of buy some creatine for now, and saving alittle every check, until I can afford some No-Xplode (Which is going to be tough, since I am also saving from some Sambo shoes, and the Real Pro Wrestling DVD Box Set @_@). Also should I invest in some Glutamine? I know the Isopure has some glutamine in it. but I cant remember how much per serving.

And lastly, any suggestions on a good cycle for the creatine and glutamine?
Ah, I also forgot to add my question about Fish Oil and Glucosomine/Condroitin. I remember reading a few "staple Supplements" thread, and a lot of you listed these supplements. They are suppose to help keep your joints and co. lubrictaed and such. Which exactly is the best supplement for this purpose? and how much of it should I be taking in a day? Anyone know I decent price a should be paying for atleast a month supply? and how benefical do you think it would be to my grappling game and goals? (I want to last in this sport as long as I can, and plan do do veteran type stuff even when I am 50, so although there may be no purpose now, I want my joints to hold me up for as long as I can grapple, plus I am going to assume they will slightly help decrease my chances of getting hurt from joint related injuires.)
Well to answer some of your questions, skip buying the glutamine and go for the no xplode. You'll notice some strenght gains and a nice pump. I don't see what is wrong with you taking your multi in the morning with your shake.

A lot of people are sold on the idea of 'the loading phase' when it comes to creatine. That's pretty much having it 5 times a day at 5 grams. (every few hours or so) This is what I did and now it's just 10 grams, twice a day. When it comes to supplementation, pretty much all you need to be doing (or what I'm always told is...) protein, creatine, and follow your diet.
Use CEE rather than normal creatine. It doesn't require any loading phase.
You want to have carbs in the morning, you need carbs and protein with every meal. Throw some fruit in with your shake in the blender. Take a fish oil pill and a joint supp like the one you listed is good as well. If you are working out pretty heavy some glutamine will do you wonders, its not a cure all but it will help keep you less sore. That should about do it, get your diet down and your workout down and you should see some good results. Good luck, hopefully i will stop being lazy and get back on my program as well.
Eggs & Oatmeal or wheat toast, or Cereal & Milk are all better choices for breakfast items instead of just a protein shake. These can be made in as much time as toasting the frozen waffles.

At least the shake is a lot better than no breakfast though.
Masakatsu Funaki #1 said:
Ah, I also forgot to add my question about Fish Oil and Glucosomine/Condroitin. I remember reading a few "staple Supplements" thread, and a lot of you listed these supplements. They are suppose to help keep your joints and co. lubrictaed and such. Which exactly is the best supplement for this purpose? and how much of it should I be taking in a day? Anyone know I decent price a should be paying for atleast a month supply?

I use syn-flex. You can find a 32 day supply (16 if your over 220 lbs) for about $25 including shipping if you "google it". It's the best i've tried and i have OCD in my left knee, so i've tried many.