BATTLEFIELD 5 World Premiere May 6th

He's clearly looking up at a space ship.

...oh wait this is the Battlefield thread.
Reveal is in about 5 hours, however it's been all but confirmed to be WW1, Microsoft leaked it on the xbox dashboard

He's wearing a coat, using a mauser pistol and has a trench club in his hand. That's a zeppelin in the background.

Then one of the digital marketing guys at EA tweeted this then deleted it

The whole game can't just be WW1 right? What are you going to do? Sit in a trench and get shelled for hours on end?
The whole game can't just be WW1 right? What are you going to do? Sit in a trench and get shelled for hours on end?

It probably is, apparently the single player is 6 episodes and the dogfights with biplanes are the best in the series. I'm hyped for it.
Aircraft are the one thing in BF that I cannot figure out. I am rock solid in everything else and the King of the Seas in boats.

This is not appealing to me at this time.
Gonna bring some serious Hutier tactics on you mofos, so watch out. This does sound pretty cool, I'm a sucker for Battlefield games so they can just take my monies now.
I wonder why they're so intent on sticking with that terrible "orange sparks/blue mist" art style? To me it just looks tacky and out of place, especially for a WW1 setting. I honestly haven't liked that style since it made its debut back in BF3.
if you guys dont dig the World War settings..Call of duty has space ships!
Interesting setting, but I don't know how you make a good game out of it.
WWI themed BF? im no expert in weapons of that age but i dont see how they are gonna have a wide variety of weapons to unlock (dont kid yourselves, progression unlocks isnt gonna go away)
Yeah, I'm probably getting that.
I'm really glad they're setting this in WW1, it's definitely not the safest route to go. We'll see it it works out but I respect them trying something different.

I really do think this game is going to burn CoD pretty badly, though.