Bas Rutten's crazy story about the time MARK KERR shot him up with drugs!

Thanks for the thread TS, always looking forward to these :D

Bas just fell a little in my eyes, letting Kerr dang him up in a hotel like a junkie is so wrong

You know, "junkies" and roid-heads usually have better IV techniques than most doctors.
Had Kerr given him some pills, it would have been fine with you? It's the needle that made him fall in your eyes?

I used to roid in my younger days (well I'm still 28), because everyone in the wrestling/amateur MMA leagues are on some kind of PEDs and I was lifting a lot. I wanted to push my limits.
Now I'm clean, and fell in love with boxing (got DQ'd like a moron in my last fight though, got boo'd like a heel, don't know when/if I'll fight again... :icon_conf )

About Bas stories...
I love Bas, I started MMA at the beginning of PRIDE and Bas is top 3 MMA commentator to me.
But the more time passes, the more I start to question some of his "craziest" stories.
Met several (famous/respect) fighters that told me that some of them were bullshit/exaggerated.
And he was the one that started the weird "Krazy Horse KO'd Wanderlei" rumor, when he didn't even witness it. Just took "Kid Khaos" word on it. :icon_conf
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A red herring fallacy doesn't change his point. He said he lost respect for him shooting up, being honest about it is irrelevant. Besides, why should someone get credit for what they are supposed to do? Which is being honest. It's a sad statement on society when not lying is considered some big accomplishment.

"Honesty" was the word used, but what the person was referring to was transparency and vulnerability. He has no obligation to divulge that information. It is commendable that he is willing to be transparent and vulnerable regarding a taboo subject. And considering that he only accepted legal prescription drugs on one night and never got addicted isn't really that big a deal. I'm sure the porn that you guys fap to is more of a reason to lose respect for someone. Get over yourselves.
Can someone who has any experience with painkillers explain to me why they would so addictive ?
Can someone who has any experience with painkillers explain to me why they would so addictive ?

Because in the US, people who are not really dru-savy mean "opiates/opiods" when they say "painkillers"... Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are painkiller but not addictive.

You find several opiods like oxycodone, hydrocodone (Vicodin, what Dr House pops), fentanyl, etc in prescribed painkillers, and they are addictive because, well opiates/opioids/semi-opioides like Heroin are addictive.
And they feel good, your injury doesn't hurt anymore, etc...

Wikipedia it, it explains the bases.

When you fight, you get injured, doctors give you ton of Oxycotin, you get addicted, in some cases like Mark Kerr you start shooting it for a better bio-viability and it gets apparently even worse...
I always wondered why The Smashing Machine openly showed his opiate abuse but never even hinted at PED's. Anyone with eyes can see the obvious, especially considering his physical state after "cleaning up".
But that gave him kind of away with me, because I started sweating, and I always asked him 'why are you sweating so much?'. So as soon as I started sweating, I remember I was all looped up and I looked at him and I said 'now you gave yourself away. Now I know why you’re sweating. So I want you to stop that stuff'. But from that moment on he was already on his way down.

And Bas is wrong about that. Opiates don't particularly make you sweat (yeah there is the methadone exception), and Mark most likely injected him with oxycodone, since that was his drug of choice.
But Bas mentions a bottle, so maybe morphine more likely.
And that doesn't make you sweat, expect when you're litteraly overdosing, which obviously didn't happen.

Bas was probably sweating from his injury or the shock of being pain-free again, but I'm just nit-picking.
Just wanted to correct that for the readers
About Bas stories...
I love Bas, I started MMA at the beginning of PRIDE and Bas is top 3 MMA commentator to me.
But the more time passes, the more I start to question some of his "craziest" stories.
Met several (famous/respect) fighters that told me that some of them were bullshit/exaggerated.

Please elaborate.
Good interview. Nothing "crazy" about Kerr giving him pain meds though.
And Bas is wrong about that. Opiates don't particularly make you sweat (yeah there is the methadone exception), and Mark most likely injected him with oxycodone, since that was his drug of choice.
But Bas mentions a bottle, so maybe morphine more likely.
And that doesn't make you sweat, expect when you're litteraly overdosing, which obviously didn't happen.

Bas was probably sweating from his injury or the shock of being pain-free again, but I'm just nit-picking.
Just wanted to correct that for the readers

Thanks for the info bro! You seem knowledgeable on the subject, so it was interesting to read!
A red herring fallacy doesn't change his point. He said he lost respect for him shooting up, being honest about it is irrelevant. Besides, why should someone get credit for what they are supposed to do? Which is being honest. It's a sad statement on society when not lying is considered some big accomplishment.

Bas was retired at that point and who really gives a shit what drugs Bas used while he was training other fighters?
That's like looking down on Greg Jackson for taking a friend's prescription pain killers because he badly bruised his kneecap and didn't want to sit at the hospital for 4 hours.
I agree with your point about honesty but Bas shouldn't get shit rubbed in his face because it was the truth that some random person didn't want to hear.

Most fighters bullshit about drug use, from painkillers to steroids and it's refreshing to hear the truth for once. Bashing fighters or former fighters for being open about their faults only encourages dishonesty because other fighters wouldn't want the same backlash.
I know right? What a jerk for being honest about something. They would have gave him the same painkillers at the hospital, but Bas is a complete junkie now.

Next time I want him to lie and just say he called up hulk hogan and the hulk sent him some vitamins that made everything all better.

he should have prayed the pain away like a good christian we all could be proud of.
"Honesty" was the word used, but what the person was referring to was transparency and vulnerability. He has no obligation to divulge that information. It is commendable that he is willing to be transparent and vulnerable regarding a taboo subject. And considering that he only accepted legal prescription drugs on one night and never got addicted isn't really that big a deal. I'm sure the porn that you guys fap to is more of a reason to lose respect for someone. Get over yourselves.

No, it wasn't. The original statement was "Bas just fell a little in my eyes, letting Kerr dang him up in a hotel like a junkie is so wrong" The person who responded to him used the red herring fallacy to bring up a different topic.

You are jumping to conclusions, I didn't mention how I felt about Bas at all, simply mentioning that the response given to the comment I posted was changing the subject. I never said I lost respect for Bas but feel free to get over yourself and try knowing what you are talking about next time.
Bas was retired at that point and who really gives a shit what drugs Bas used while he was training other fighters?
That's like looking down on Greg Jackson for taking a friend's prescription pain killers because he badly bruised his kneecap and didn't want to sit at the hospital for 4 hours.
I agree with your point about honesty but Bas shouldn't get shit rubbed in his face because it was the truth that some random person didn't want to hear.

Most fighters bullshit about drug use, from painkillers to steroids and it's refreshing to hear the truth for once. Bashing fighters or former fighters for being open about their faults only encourages dishonesty because other fighters wouldn't want the same backlash.

I like his honesty as well. I also don't care that he used painkillers or that he is using TRT now. I don't think either are good for you but he can do whatever he wants since he is retired.
he should have prayed the pain away like a good christian we all could be proud of.

Why are you bashing Christianity when it has nothing to do with the subject? Take your anger at God somewhere else.