
Brendon Katz

Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
anybody use baiting to try and get an opening? like for instance if your in ur opponents guard and cant open it , do u leave an arm out for him to try and armbar and then pass wen he tries ?
all the time...
i bait with the armbar so i can pass guard, and i also bait with giving up my back when they mount me since i know i can easily spin back into full guard.
haha, giving up the arm almost always works! i like giving the arm when they mount, as long as you know the escape and is fast enought, it works like a charm.
I try not too. Good guys will take the bait and still armbar you. I'd only use it as a last resort.
I'm not successful enought to bait. But the arm bar from being mounted temptation gets the guys who are at my level.
parallax86 said:
anybody use baiting to try and get an opening? like for instance if your in ur opponents guard and cant open it , do u leave an arm out for him to try and armbar and then pass wen he tries ?

That works quite well with people around the same level as me, most of the times I'll get the side mount, but it's probably not the best thing to do, i've had guys that have pulled off the arm bar and i've been triangled doing this
another good bait is giving up the kimura when you are getting guillotined or triangled, then pull out fast when they go for it. then pass guard or something.
I don't know if their baiting, or just don't know any better, but when rolling with bigger opponents (I'm 200 lbs) they often leave themselves open for triangles, the problem is they are so much bigger they explode out and pass (these are those guys with little or no necks). I have to hook them fast and hard or they pass my guard... I hate that.
I like baiting, but there's always that chance of getting caught, don't suggest it for white belts. One bait I like to do especially is if I'm ever side-mounted, I let them get the full mount cause I find it easier getting out of the full mount than the side mount.
Immortal-BJJ said:
I like baiting, but there's always that chance of getting caught, don't suggest it for white belts. One bait I like to do especially is if I'm ever side-mounted, I let them get the full mount cause I find it easier getting out of the full mount than the side mount.

Side mount is a bitch to escape but you're going to be losing a lot of points in a comp doing that
baiting if good when you're better than your opponent.
otherwise is risky and should be a last resort strategy
of course!!

baiting is all part of the fight strategy, some guys are good at it, some are not.

Rico Rodridgues does it a lot in his fights, when inside someone's guard he postures
up and leaves an arm inside.
My best guard pass is letting someone slap on a triangle and then power out of it and into sidemount. Works against smaller guys due to the power difference and against bigger guys 'cause their triangles usually suck.
my favorite is to act like I'm passing the open guard and go for a leg lock
EPT said:
Side mount is a bitch to escape but you're going to be losing a lot of points in a comp doing that

doesnt a position usually have to be held for 3 seconds before points are awarded?
parallax86 said:
doesnt a position usually have to be held for 3 seconds before points are awarded?

Yeah that's true, but I wouldn't bait in a tournament anyway.
i think of baiting as part of my strategy when i feel im either down on points and/or i cant sweep
parallax86 said:
doesnt a position usually have to be held for 3 seconds before points are awarded?

That's true, but if they are good enough to get you in side mount they are probably going to be good enough to hold the full mount for 3 seconds. I guess if you're stuck and you just can't escape you might as well let them pass, I don't think there is a harder postion to escape from than side mount
I give up a triangle in order to escape guard fairly often.
Its almost my only way to pass the guard. Doesnt work that good with stronger opponents