Problem with a big bag like that is it can really shorten that right hand if you're not paying attention. There's a huge area to throw n land the left hook but the right gets stopped short. The left hook should be thrown a bit more to the front of the bag to even it all out and lengthen the right. A guys head is the smallest body part we aiming at anyways. Anyways that's how I feel.
By sticking around too long I don't mean u stand stock still after, though you do in spots , I mean you still be in range for counters. You'd have to have some otherworldly reflexes AND body quickness to anticipate that.
There's a number of times you just hang around and throw a lazy punch or so or just walk around the bag IN RANGE.
I can't believe you made me watch the whole video again but I did, and no I'm not going to time stamp all the instances but try it but imagine you're the bag or the guy in the video is boxing up on you. What do you see ? Where all do you see yourself slamming home the counters ?
Cmon son ! That's when you gotta work those jabs ! You've got some of the best ppl to emulate. And if it's not showing on the even in spurts, then it's not being used in real life. At least not as much as you think and not now.
The rhythm thing, it's a good to have a proactive defense but you should never keep doing the same thing or at the same speed / rhythm. Sway back sometimes, high guard it, backstep it, hop back, double slip left or right etc etc
Nobody's going to give you a right hand but nobody's gonna fall for that same move over n over.
Where's the slip / backstop n right over the top btw ?
When you post your head on the bag is close range but you did that very rarely. It's a 5 minute vid but there's barely 20 seconds of that. And close range isn't just punching. Where's the holding, the spin n punch, the step arounds, the slip n body digs ?
And the lead hand posts don't count as outside fighting. Not in my book. And especially at that height. 5'9-5'10 at 160ish ?
Outside fighting is a short leap/step in to land. A long jab right, long hooks. Lighter footwork. The transition from outside touching range to your favourite range is important.
Most guys ain't gonna let you come in the wheelhouse so easy. Not without paying a toll on the way.
You be Floyd vs Cotto-ing the bag and I'm talking Floyd vs Berto (1st three rounds)

You already know all this shit but it seemed a bit lazy to me. By Sherdog standards it's golden of course but if I saw you in the gym I'd think A) he's tired after a hard session or B) got skills but lazy.......fking prime meat for the taking.
Though I guess it's hard to be pumped when doing bag work by yourself at a home gym or something.