Back to San Diego wow where to train?


Green Belt
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego has really exploded all the big names are here, Gracie Barra, Gracie humaita, 10th planet . All these three are near me. I would prefer something for street rather than sport if possible. Can someone give me a quick down and dirty on these 3?
whats funny is u didnt even name to top gyms there lol saulo riberio atos hq mendes bros baret yoshida the list goes on san diego is by far the bets jiu jitsu city in the world id say nyc is second
whats funny is u didnt even name to top gyms there lol saulo riberio atos hq mendes bros baret yoshida the list goes on san diego is by far the bets jiu jitsu city in the world id say nyc is second

He mentioned the 3 closest to him.

TS, look at Fabio Santos BJJ. Old school guy with a bigger emphasis on self defense than a lot of other schools in the area.
Real close to 10th Planet SD.
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id lovento know more about the gyms im San Diego... im headed there i november and cant decide where to go.

does jeff glover have his own place now?
Don’t forget about Clark gracie.

So many good schools in San Diego.