Back Pain...i Know Wrong Forum But Need Help


Jun 24, 2007
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I had a spinal fusion 16 months ago and still have resdiual pain. I can not grapple at class some days and other days I can only handle 30 minutes tops(with rest of course). Besides narcotics like oxycontin,percocets, etc, what can I take that will not halp me besides strong narcotics.
I have tried ice, heat, lidocaine patches, motrin and muscle relaxers and no relief.

what other things should i try, and what has tito and other fighters such as nate quarry taken for there back problems.

i do stretch and i just like all input plz
I know this sounds plain..but ask a sports doctor (D.O.) about your concerns. I wouldn't push it. Do as much training as possible and always let your coach know about your injuries, so he can watch you.
Unfortunately, as you may or may not have been told, your surgery has a modest overall success rate. Im sure that you feel better than before (Im guessing you had a herniation) when not training, but nonethless the added stress of rolling places your lower back in a situation (great strain and a need for a wide range of motion) that it is no longer able to sustain. It is good that you stretch, and I would suggest some time devoted to core training, as the muscles of your abdomen, lower back, and hips provide your back with support.
On another note, I would be most careful with the narcotics for your back pain. I do not know what it is like to live with that pain, but please know that it is documented that folks in your position can become quite dependent. Hope this helps some, and good luck.
I know this sounds plain..but ask a sports doctor (D.O.) about your concerns. I wouldn't push it. Do as much training as possible and always let your coach know about your injuries, so he can watch you.

Sports doctors can also be MD's just like neurosurgeons can be DO's.

To TS. You've tried a lot for your back. Strengthening your core is very important. If you need something extra for your back, ask your doctor for an interferential stimulator (TENS unit). It is covered by many insurances for back pain and can really help people with back pain that is unresponsive to medical treatment.
I am sure that you are really wanting to train, but you must have a had
a serious injury or deformity to require surgery.
People that get parts of their spine
fixed are happy just to return to work and live pain free.

In my humble opinion you should address pain issues through
stretching and physical therapy before training in any type of martial arts.
If you have insurance have someone from PT check you out and recommend
exercises if have not already seen one. Maybe check out some tai chi
and/or yoga instruction in the meantime.

What part of the spine is it?
i have trained for years and i am not deformed at all. it was my l5 s1 that was torn and bulged. i now have a cage with rods and screws
I have back problems too. (Bulging L3 - L5) and i have found that core training helps more than anything I've been told by my doctors.