Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup??


Purple Belt
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Okay. I've heard that HFC is one of the evils of this world. It's more or less man made, somewhat indigestable, and might be partly responsible for the obesity increase in americans.

So in an attempt to lose weight, and eat healthier, I'm attempting to eliminate this from my diet. The problem is, is that this shit is in virtually EVERYTHING! I was checking the label of my wheat bread today, and even the goddam bread has it. Any hints or suggestions for avoiding this? Or is it not as bad as I've heard?
I don't see any reason why it is any worse than regular table sugar.

Also - many bread have some sugar in them just to give the yeast a kick in the ass. I add about 1 tablespoon of sucrose or honey for my bread doughs when I make homemade bread (or pizza dough).

Its the quantity of refined sugar overall that you ought to focus on, not the type, IMO.
You may have to shop organic to avoid it entirely.
Grady said:
Its the quantity of refined sugar overall that you ought to focus on, not the type, IMO.
Seconded. The problem in the States isn't a HFCS one, it's a sugar one. It's just the overwhelming majority of sugar ingested in this country is ingested in that form. Corn is THE staple crop in the US.