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Banner and Hulk will have a mind battle and Banner will eat the Hulk. Then Banner Hulk will eat the power stone.
If Peter Quill can go to alien prison then I don't see why it would be weird for Thanos to go to human prison.
Gigantic opening in China.

Worth every penny.
Probably already been discussed but all of this has to be part of doctor stranges plan right? His last words to tony were “it was the only way” or some shit. Obviously a lot of the heroes will be coming back unless Spider-Man and Black Panther 2 are starring the fat Asian kid and Shuri. I think stark and captain get axed next film though.

Side note, Proxima would get it.
Yeah good call. I get it. I just don’t get how they resolve it. Does Banner have to convince Hulk he will let him drive for more times than when the shit does down? Do The Avengers have to convince Hulk they prefer him to Banner like Thor (very comically) tried to do in Ragnarok.

Or does Hulk just accept that Banner needs his help and comes through in the clutch next movie.
Yeah, i preferred the Hulk is scared of Thanos theory better. I don't get how they resolve this conflict.
And Hulk dies if Banner dies, so it doesn't make sense for him to sit out on a fight that could end both their existences if the only reason is because he's pissed at Banner.
Seems kind of like going backwards on the character development he was having in Ragnarok. Wasn't he embracing the hero role there?

Do we maybe get Hulk's body with Banner's mind?
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Hmm...wonder if it has the legs to do another 150 million stateside?

I think it'll be close. It's only be in theaters for three weeks. It still has another 10 or so weeks to go.
Let's be honest BPs success was inflated.
Because of a certain demographic?

But wouldn't that same demographic also go out and watch infinity war because they love black panther and know he's in it, and that half the film takes place in wakanda?
Museum of Modern Art. Just another pretentious hipster exhibit for crappy millennial artists. Their rich vampire squid parents donate and keep museum open in exchange for giving their spoiled children a participation trophy.

That is what someone told me.
Van Gogh's Starry Night is at the MOMA
Because of a certain demographic?

But wouldn't that same demographic also go out and watch infinity war because they love black panther and know he's in it, and that half the film takes place in wakanda?

The push to get younger African Americans to see that film was incredible. There was crowdfunding for tickets and people volunteering to buy tickets for others. Brie Larson was very active on Twitter during this push.
The push to get younger African Americans to see that film was incredible. There was crowdfunding for tickets and people volunteering to buy tickets for others. Brie Larson was very active on Twitter during this push.
Oh crap I didn't know that.

I guess the idea was to show young black kids this movie so they'd have a positive image in film to look up to?
When hulk does come out

Oh boy


The problem I have with that explanation is how do you narratively resolve that in an effective way. Have Banner and Hulk see a psychiatrist and talk things out?

If Hulk is shook cause Thanos absolutely wrecked him than you can effectively have him overcome that by being in a position where Banner’s rage is more significant than Hulk’s fear- ie Nat being in a position where she is about to be or is killed as some of you noted.

Banner and Hulk obviously communicate on some level. They’ll just come to an understanding.

Yeah good call. I get it. I just don’t get how they resolve it. Does Banner have to convince Hulk he will let him drive for more times than when the shit does down? Do The Avengers have to convince Hulk they prefer him to Banner like Thor (very comically) tried to do in Ragnarok.

Or does Hulk just accept that Banner needs his help and comes through in the clutch next movie.

They could go one of two directions i think.

First is that we could see Banner rage to a point the Hulk cannot deny him and that duel rage gives us a more powerful version of Hulk.

Or as I alluded to below (prior) maybe there is some type of understanding between Banner and Hulk and some type of merging? We've already seen the emergence of a smart Hulk in ThorR and maybe that continues with them sharing more. Hulks brawn with Banners brains??

In Thor Ragnarok we find out Hulk has been in control of the body for a long time. Does anyone remember how long??

When Banner finally emerges he talks about how scary it was to be suppressed and gone that long and he feared he would never come back and he fears the next time Hulk emerges he might not come back.

Banner has, at many times, suppressed the Hulk for years. I am pretty sure in the first Avengers movie when Natasha found him they said they had not seen the Hulk for two years.

So I think they are going with the angle that Hulk is pissed about being suppressed and only being summoned to save Banner's ass and therefore he is throwing a tantrum of sorts.
I don't think so , the worthy rule was a spell from Odin. He stripped Thor of his power and made him have to earn his hammer and power back.
When Thor said he was going to get a "Thanos killing weapon", Starlord asked why don't they all get those weapons, and Thor says something like "your frail bodies and minds would be crushed by the weight of it" And the troll blacksmith said the weapon is for a king. So im guessing you have to be super powerful to pick it up

Buttttttt....the handle was just a piece of Groot, i would have thought that that would have weakened the axe. I mean, theoretically, couldn't you just break the handle if you got into duel with Thor?

It could easily be written as the Groot wood, the living wood, was the most valuable and sought after wood for enchanted weapons. They could also write ti that it has to be freely given to have the maximum properties. That is how I would write it anyway.

That would make sense given that all Asgardians are taught to speak Groot as children. There could be a long historical relationship and friendship for that reason.
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