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AVENGERS: ENDGAME (Dragonlord's Review)

If you have seen AVENGERS: ENDGAME, how would you rate it?

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Jun 3, 2009
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Update: April 23, 2019

Dragonlord’s Review of AVENGERS: ENDGAME (Spoilers)

Bottom Line: The time heist second act isn't up to par with what Infinity War paved for but the emotional third act was so Goddamn awesome that Avengers: Endgame magnificently concludes an epic saga and gives a poignant farewell to some of our beloved characters.


Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of Marvel Studios’ painstakingly well-planned effort to map out at the Marvel Cinematic Universe for over 10 years. For over a decade, fans have grown up with these heroes and are invested in their adventures. Infinity War shocked the world with letting Thanos win and killing off half of the universe, even some of their beloved characters. Clocking in at 181 minutes long, Endgame doesn’t truly deliver until the final hour which is both a glorious action spectacle and a poignant, emotional sendoff.

The first act sets a somber tone as the remaining heroes struggle with the aftermath of the Snappening. There’s a five-year time jump where we see how the world and the main characters’ lives have changed. Steve Rogers with his never-say-die attitude continues to see the bright spot in the blight situation and helps other people cope with their losses. Natasha Romanoff has organized a galactic peacekeeping force. Clint Barton has become a Punisher-like international vigilante (Ronin as he called in the comic books). Tony Stark finds happiness and lives a simple life with Pepper and their young daughter. Bruce Banner has become the Hulk full-time but retains his intelligence and personality. But the most surprising and most hilarious is Thor who has grown fat and looks like the Dude from The Big Lebowski.

When Scott Lang is accidentally freed from the Quantum Realm, the idea of a “time heist” is set into motion in hopes to reverse what Thanos did. What follows is a convoluted plan to grab the Infinity Stones from the past and bring it to the present. When time travel is involved (which is a plot device I’m not very fond of myself), they usually end with paradoxes and several plot holes. Endgame is no different and suffers from the same sticky quagmire of inconsistent narrative. So it’s best to just ignore these plot holes and just go along with the time travel shenanigans.

The time heist is fun and a treat to the superfans with its overflowing of MCU Easter eggs and surprise cameos from a multitude characters from Marvel Studios’ rich history. But at some point I was getting worried that this is the best Endgame can come up with. Sure the time heist is amusing and an entertaining, nostalgic blast from the past but I would have rated the movie around 7.5 or 8 if this continued on.

Thankfully the film went into overdrive in the third act providing an insane massive battle that will have the cinema audience clapping and cheering. So many highlights in the extended battle sequence like the lost heroes returning just in time to turn the tide or the madcap dash to bring the gauntlet to the van or the Avengers trinity fighting Thanos. But there is one iconic scene that is guaranteed to be the No. 1 high point in everybody’s list and that is Captain America finally wielding Mjolnir and putting a beating on Thanos for a time. Comic book fans (and I) have been waiting for this triumphant Cap moment for ages and it was gloriously awesome.

In contrast with Infinity War’s overabundance of action, Endgame sets a much solemn vibe which gives the lead actors a chance to show off their fine acting performances as well as more opportunity for character growth. Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson shine especially when Hawkeye and Widow have to decide which one of them sacrifices themselves. The scene is so deftly executed that I had no idea who would die up to the last minute. Tony’s sacrifice and his “I am Iron Man” line was a grand and a touching fitting end. Steve’s ending with Peggy Carter was heartwarming and sweet but makes no sense in the continuity timeline.

As some character arc ends, for others a new chapter begins. Thor joining the Guardians of the Galaxy (dubbing it “Asguardians of the Galaxy” lol) looks very promising while Falcon inheriting the Captain America mantle seems like a meh idea. Though there are no plans for it, I would love to see the adventures of Old Man Steve.

Though it has its fair share of problems, directors Joe and Anthony Russo and screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have crafted an epic conclusion to the Infinity saga and delivers a moving farewell to some of these beloved characters.

RATING: 9/10

Update: Watched Endgame a second time and liked it better. I initially wasn’t fond of the time heist but knowing what to expect this time, the 2nd act flowed much better and I was thoroughly entertained for the entire movie. The last hour was still amazing, just masterfully executed. The Russo Bros. are a master at orchestrating stunning grand scale battle with sensational action choreography and highlighting multitudes of outstanding character moments.

Though the crowd was not as loud compared to my first screening, I’m happy that the second screening audience still clapped and cheered during the epic moments. Endgame is one of those movies people need to watch in movie theaters because audience impact and reaction are also a vital part of the enjoyment.

The time travel plot holes are still there but just like those classic time travel movies like Back to the Future, The Terminator and Die Hard*, it’s best not to dwell on the inconsistencies and just enjoy the greatness of the film. Replay factor is high with Endgame, rating could go a bit higher with future viewings.
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Update: May 5, 2019

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Passes Titanic Globally with $2.2 Bilion

Avengers: Endgame is now the second highest grossing film of all time with $2.189 billion.

It surpasses James Cameron's Titanic, which earned $2.187 billion (unadjusted for inflation). Endgame achieved the remarkable feat after collecting another $145.8 million domestically and $282.2 million overseas in its second weekend.

The No. 1 grossing film of all time is Cameron's Avatar with $2.8 billion at the global box office.

Heading into the weekend the Avengers installment earned the highest grossing week of all-time, picking up an astounding $562 million at the global box office from Monday to Thursday.

Outside of Endgame, Screen Gem's new release Intruder had a big weekend. The genre film came in at No. 2 at the box office with an $11 million haul. African Americans made up a large chunk of ticket buyers at 34 percent. According to PostTrack, the thriller's audience skewed female, with a 59 versus 41 split, and younger, with 67 percent of audiences being under 35.


Update: April 28, 2019

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Opens to Record-Smashing $356 Million in U.S. and $1.2 Billion Globally


To say Avengers: Endgame made history in its box office bow is an understatement.

The superhero tentpole opened to $356 million in North America and $866 million overseas for a stunning global launch of $1.2 billion, including $330.5 million in China and $56 million in the U.K. All are records — and then some — in yet another victory for Disney and Marvel Studios.

Furthermore, weekend revenue for all films domestically clocked in at more than $397 million, an unprecedented sum. Until now, the most ever collected in one weekend was $314 million. Endgame set a new threshold for just how much the market can expand, as well as kicking off the summer season in high style following a tough winter and early spring.

The Russo brothers shot Endgame back-to-back with last year's Avengers: Infinity War, the previous record-holder for biggest global opening ($640.5 million) and biggest domestic debut ($257.6 million), not adjusted for inflation. Endgame had the advantage of opening day and date in China, unlike Infinity War.

Infinity War, which took 11 days to hit $1 billion, versus five for Endgame, topped out at $2.04 billion globally. The guessing game has already begun as to whether Endgame can climb north of $2.5 billion and match or topple Avatar, the top-grossing film of all time with $2.78 billion, not adjusted for inflation.

Endgame grossed $156.7 million on Friday in North America, another stat for the history books. That crown for biggest single/opening day had belonged to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which took in $119 million on its first Friday. Endgame grossed another $105 million to $108 million on Saturday, obliterating Infinity War's Saturday gross of $82.1 million.

I'll post some of my comments from the other thread:

1.) To those worried that Capt Marvel will ruin this movie, no she doesn't. She's actually okay in this movie and the movie is focused on the original avengers.
2.) my verdict is it's tied with Infinity War, or just very slightly lower than IW. It's really tough to compare though because I look at this as not a movie by itself, but rather a piece that completes the story.
3.) I agree with @Dragonlordxxxxx that this movie goes overdrive in the final battle. Personally I think it's the best fight/battle scene in the entire MCU franchise. I won't spoil it even if this is a spoiler thread, you'd need to watch it for yourself.
4.) There's a lot of moving scenes, and don't be surprised if people start crying (some people in the cinema including my wife cried on at least two scenes)
5.) The ending is satisfying, and the Russo brothers didn't lie when they said that they'd want a feeling of "ending".
6.) Movie was still very funny and enjoyable all throughout.
7.) The length/pacing is a common complaint for some, but It wasn't a big deal for me. It was a 3hr movie, they could have made it 4hrs and I still wouldn't care because the movie was still funny and action packed. I think people were expecting a fast paced infinity war sequel but the reality is the avengers lost in IW, and i think it's important to show how it affected everyone. I think this is what separates MCU from DC, you really see the human side in the MCU characters. Their reactions are understandable and makes you root for them to win in the end.
8.) RDJ and Evans play their characters really well.
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Does Hulk get another crack at Thanos in this? I need a rematch
Annoying how inconsistent the power levels are, Thor went from taking out a fully gauntlet powered Thanos rather easily to not being able to do almost anything to a Thanos with no gems, even with the help of Iron Man (who held his own against Thanos with 4 gems earlier in IW) and Cap. I understand making Thor less badass than in IW but reducing him to a comedic character was a mistake, I don't think we needed to see him doubt himself again so soon after we already saw it in ragnarok.

Im glad that Captain Marvel had such a small role, I would not have minded if they had just left her out completely, didnt do much for the story. Im glad they gave Iron Man the send-off he deserved, not my favorite character but the MCU more or less started with him, a fitting end. Feels like an end of an era, sure marvel has tons of material to work with but feels like the MCU has peaked and its downhill from here.
Can't wait to share this link with my friend tomorrow,

I'm gonna wait until about 30 min before it starts.

When I know he will be in his car getting high, about to walk into the theater...
Cap giving his shield to Falcon was ewwwy
And his (falcon) beard makes him look like he has no chin
So Hulk got cucked again huh Dragonlard?
Very disappointing movie. Not one spectacular action scene, far from powerful action, shitty time travel story (had no clue it would be in the movie, if i would know, i wouldn't watch it in cinema, i have enough of this time travels) no tension, no emotional impact. Really annoying shallow movie. Thor was good tough.
Think I had better ideas in my head for this movie. Should’ve let hulk rampage like we’ve all been wanting. I do like the idea of Thor going forward as a member of gotg. I just feel the movie fell flat because of my expectations and what I wanted to happen. The end fight scene was great along with the acting. But I just kept feeling like “is this the best you could come up with?” 7.5/10 for me just because they’ve could’ve done such a better job with this. Seems they’re going to focus on x-men and fantastic 4 moving forward which I guess is a good thing. Just give me guardians and Adam warlock and I’ll stop bitching.
Infinity War definitely had more of a lasting impression on me compared to Endgame. It’s been 8 hours since I’ve seen the movie, and I’m still just kind of like “meh”.

Pros: the Final battle scene was insane and worth the build-up. Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans and RDJ all had great performances. Some funny one liners scattered through out. I know some people are disappointed with what they did to Thor, but I genuinely enjoyed his lines and arc for this movie (I will say he did look weird and out of place in the final battle though, I thought they were going to transform him back to his normal self for that), The final scene was beautiful too.

Cons: Thanos in particular was extremely disappointing in this movie. Pacing felt a bit off to me, plot inconsistencies with time travel, No actual Hulk action/battle sequences? I could be wrong but I don’t recall seeing him wrecking shit. I wish we saw more Avengers fighting their body doubles too and not just Cap.

Overall it just wasn’t very memorable for me, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. My opinion will probably change on a rewatch.
Think I had better ideas in my head for this movie. Should’ve let hulk rampage like we’ve all been wanting. I do like the idea of Thor going forward as a member of gotg. I just feel the movie fell flat because of my expectations and what I wanted to happen. The end fight scene was great along with the acting. But I just kept feeling like “is this the best you could come up with?” 7.5/10 for me just because they’ve could’ve done such a better job with this. Seems they’re going to focus on x-men and fantastic 4 moving forward which I guess is a good thing. Just give me guardians and Adam warlock and I’ll stop bitching.
I also didn't like that Hulk didn't wreck shit, this is possibly my main issue. But I was happy with most of it. I'd still give it a 9.5 out of 10, (IW is 10/10). The final battle was glorious
Cap giving his shield to Falcon was ewwwy
And his (falcon) beard makes him look like he has no chin
Yeah i'm not sure how Falcon will do as Cap, but It's not very interesting just thinking about it. I'll reserve my judgment though until I see the next movies/series
Very disappointing movie. Not one spectacular action scene, far from powerful action, shitty time travel story (had no clue it would be in the movie, if i would know, i wouldn't watch it in cinema, i have enough of this time travels) no tension, no emotional impact. Really annoying shallow movie. Thor was good tough.
damn Sherdog is hard to please
What happened to the Asgardians? Did they set up shop on earth?