Locked AVENGERS: END GAME v.2 (Super Bowl Spot)

[U.S. only!] Predict Avengers: Endgame U.S. box office total after theatrical run

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Fool, you couldn't even say where I made a strawman. THAT was too much for you. Just go back to making your gibberish posts. It's what is expected of you
Don't bother w/ him. He takes criticism of movies so seriously to the point of following posters who bash movies he likes and making snarky comments on their posts. And he tries way too hard to be witty by posting overlong memes...and usually no one pays attention or likes his memes.
I wouldn't have any issue if Captain Marvel got the final blow it wouldn't bother me as long as it's a team effort because that's what it's all about. If people watch End Game and all they care about is who finishes Thanos off then I don't know what to say that doesn't mean much to me.

As far as the face of the MCU that's the thing is to me I don't think of Tony when I think of the MCU. There are so many characters that are part of the MCU and Iron Man hasn't had a movie in 6 years. He's just not what I think of when I think of the MCU. I guess most people do I wouldn't really know I don't ask people who they think about when they think MCU. When I think of the MCU I think of everyone who is part of it. I don't just picture one character.

Honestly if Thanos is beaten purely by "power" then I'll be disappointed, I would be supprised if some kind of self sacrifice and/or shift in his own position doesn't play a very large part.

What I think the trailers clearly do shown is that Captain Marvel does not get everyone to "stop moping around and do something", Rogers is shown as already having the motivation to take action. I'd guess its much more likely that she helps provide the link between the Avengers and Thanos allowing them to get to him.
Honestly if Thanos is beaten purely by "power" then I'll be disappointed, I would be supprised if some kind of self sacrifice and/or shift in his own position doesn't play a very large part.

What I think the trailers clearly do shown is that Captain Marvel does not get everyone to "stop moping around and do something", Rogers is shown as already having the motivation to take action. I'd guess its much more likely that she helps provide the link between the Avengers and Thanos allowing them to get to him.

Yep from the trailers it actually looks like Antman might be the one who sort of kick starts some sort of plan for them. As far as how Captain Marvel comes into play I have no idea, maybe she has a plan for stopping Thanos and Antman has a plan to reverse what he did.
Yep from the trailers it actually looks like Antman might be the one who sort of kick starts some sort of plan for them. As far as how Captain Marvel comes into play I have no idea, maybe she has a plan for stopping Thanos and Antman has a plan to reverse what he did.

Hey, someone's got to help Black Widow make the coffee and sandwiches. Gamora and Wanda took the ash nap and Nebula's lost in space with Stark. In fact, that explains why they're drifting though space without power; Tony let her drive;)
Hey, someone's got to help Black Widow make the coffee and sandwiches; Gamora and Wanda took the ash nap and Nebula's in space with Tony;)

Makes sense. Her origin story is probably her relearning how to make sammiches with our boy SLJ providing instructions.
Makes sense. Her origin story is probably her relearning how to make sammiches with our boy SLJ providing instructions.

"I've had it with these motherfucking Feminists in my motherfucking Superhero Franchise!"
Crazy that Captain marvel is a month away and Endgame is only 2 and a half months or so. Extremely amped for the latter. Looking forward to the former as well and feel they could really build even more crazy anticipation with the post credits scene on that one.
Crazy that Captain marvel is a month away and Endgame is only 2 and a half months or so. Extremely amped for the latter. Looking forward to the former as well and feel they could really build even more crazy anticipation with the post credits scene on that one.

Like 80% of my excitement for Captain Marvel is for the end scene. Which will probably be just her reacting to the pager Fury activated but still.
Because her first movie deals with the skrulls which nobody knows.

"She even kills Skrulls with 1 blow" does nothing for anyone. Everyone knows Thanos though.

They have Captain Marvel coming out in March, End Game in April, and Spiderman right after that. They have no new super heroes after that and I doubt she outsells BP. So basically you want BP to be the face of MCU. I think an actors personality can play a big part in them being the face of the company. Unless you're going to argue that Tony Starks personality isn't one of the reasons he's so popular in the MCU.

When they bring Fantastic Four into play, they gotta get Super Skrull on film. It may have been the Wikipedia article I was reading or something else but it basically made a point of saying that Super Skrull not only has the powers of each FF member but he has better versions of each of their powers. I don’t know why but I found that hilarious. Wasn’t enough to establish he had each of their powers but actually is better in each capacity than they are. Seems like some cheat code in a video game or kids playing a superhero game at recess and one of them obnoxiously makes up a too-powerful character to the others’ chagrin.
When they bring Fantastic Four into play, they gotta get Super Skrull on film. It may have been the Wikipedia article I was reading or something else but it basically made a point of saying that Super Skrull not only has the powers of each FF member but he has better versions of each of their powers. I don’t know why but I found that hilarious. Wasn’t enough to establish he had each of their powers but actually is better in each capacity than they are. Seems like some cheat code in a video game or kids playing a superhero game at recess and one of them obnoxiously makes up a too-powerful character to the others’ chagrin.

I've never even heard of that. Didn't one of the movies have someone take all their powers as well?
I've never even heard of that. Didn't one of the movies have someone take all their powers as well?

I have no recollection of Rise of the Silver Surfer so I can’t swear to that either way. And I never saw the Teller/Jordan/Billy Elliott/Kate Mara one which I’ve heard is even worse.

But from what I recall of the first film, it’s about them getting their powers, bumbling their way through an attempted rescue where they showcase their early ineptitude and get people to hate them, awkwardly getting wedding rings awkwardly tossed back at them, and then facing Doctor Doom.

Basically, it was trash except for two good performances from Evans and Chiklis who stole the show.

@Dragonlordxxxxx have you done a casting for F4? I’d also like to see an updated one for X-men from you as well!!
Back in 2012. I think most of the casting choices still hold up today.






Speaking of Avengers movies:
I really do think Avengers 2 was a bit underrated. Especially Ultron. James Spader did a great job voicing him, and his every line was poignant. I really liked how he was sort of like a dark mirror of Stark, irreverent attitude and all.
Speaking of Avengers movies:
I really do think Avengers 2 was a bit underrated. Especially Ultron. James Spader did a great job voicing him, and his every line was poignant. I really liked how he was sort of like a dark mirror of Stark, irreverent attitude and all.

I rewatched all the movies before IW and I thought the same. My main issue with the movie is things never really felt "world ending" and Ultron just came across as a really weak villain IMO. Honestly the movie could have just been Iron Man 3 with just Tony dealing with this issue and it would have made a lot more sense.
I rewatched all the movies before IW and I thought the same. My main issue with the movie is things never really felt "world ending" and Ultron just came across as a really weak villain IMO. Honestly the movie could have just been Iron Man 3 with just Tony dealing with this issue and it would have made a lot more sense.
I really enjoyed it.

The main complaint I saw was that Ultron was under powered which I don't agree with. He was under powered compared to his final form in the CBU but he grew into those powers over several years and iterations. I think he was perfectly powered as a new entity in the MCU and they have room now to up that power level in the future if they bring him back and I would enjoy seeing him back.

I rewatched all the movies before IW and I thought the same. My main issue with the movie is things never really felt "world ending" and Ultron just came across as a really weak villain IMO. Honestly the movie could have just been Iron Man 3 with just Tony dealing with this issue and it would have made a lot more sense.
I am ok with it not feeling truly world ending. I don't think every threat has to be global level but i agree he could have been introduced in an IM as well with maybe a cameo or two of other characters.
I am ok with it not feeling truly world ending. I don't think every threat has to be global level but i agree he could have been introduced in an IM as well with maybe a cameo or two of other characters.

I was actually going to say an IM movie with a cameo or two would have made more sense. Either way it was still a good movie and I enjoyed it just never really felt like all the avengers were needed for this one. Which is a very minor complaint.

I always thought it would have been better to have Ultron take over Vision some how and then it would have felt like a real destructive force that requires the Avengers. Then have them somehow remove Ultron and save Vision's mind. Oh well a very small complaint to what I thought was a good movie I especially enjoyed Ultron's personality. Whenever the mutants left him after finding out he wanted to kill everyone his reaction still makes me laugh when I think about it.
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