Attn Mods:

I can do that myself Bro. lol But I don't want to toot my own horn, so if Rex or someone else gets the notion to then they can.
Just put it up there Kabuki, its helped a lot of people out.
I tried it on tuesday, and it wore me the fuck out. I'm going to keep doing it. I like it because it adds a kind of rhyme and reason to my bag work. Keep it up there.
King Kabuki said:
I can do that myself Bro. lol But I don't want to toot my own horn, so if Rex or someone else gets the notion to then they can.

Make a sticky, it's a great routine. Besides, if you don't make it a sticky, we're going to keep bringing it TTT anyway.
How about sticky-ing Heavybag 101 for Muay Thai, also?