Attention El Pachuko

That's not me in my avatar. It's someone else with balls in his mouth.

But you still have a naked man in your avatar.
Art has left...

i pushed him too far...

he was not man enough to stand and face the might of treelo

so bow down and give you avatar a suck willy
it's me art whil i've finally gotten mty cp back up and running, i thought tony and i were going to be fighting also. dan called and talked to terry kotc promoter and i thought it was a done deal till this thurs.

treelo guess what your daddy is back and it's time for you to learn a thing or three.

hi everyone sorry it's been awhile but i just got a new job thanks to conrad i ;lost my other job something about to much time on the net.

myt new job is 12 hour a day 6 days a week. 4am-4pm
i train mon. and wed with dan and others from 630pm-830pm
tues and thurs 7pm-815pm

so i'll be makeing sure that everyone inhere is up to date with hows the real anti ruler.

once again i missed alll of you OG anti guys.

mma, jim,hound,pablo, conny, and even you trecpo.if i missed anyone i'm sure you'll forgive me remember i've only had 5 hrs sleep today.
Art, I see you couldn't fight the feelings anymore and had to log in as a woman. That's OK Art. In this day and age Transexualism is not a crime. I say more power to you Art and the rest of your man/woman friends.
This has to be some sort of scam. There is NO way that fighter's wife is Art Santore. Art would have told me about it...
Its him. Not just anyone would know that about his upcoming fight.

Art it`s good to hear from you.

Remember to use your Chi in everything you do.

And stay away from Wilhelm he has jewelry on his penis.
So wait a sec when and who is Art fighting now?
it's me mma but only when i feel frisky but star treck is on now so i beeter get going. thanks for being so understanding pablo