At least 20 killed at Yemen wedding party

Man, I would never go to a wedding in the ME.

Fucking dangerous apparently.
When I first saw Israel and SA getting in bed together, I knew immediately that it would not end well.
What a peaceful bunch of people.

Also they are from a different culture so we shouldn’t judge.
If it wasn't an air strike they would have accidentally shot eachother with machine guns anyway.

They got red weddinged

But seriously there's like one or two of these ME wedding bombings each year it seems. At this rate they would probably be safer in one of those Rio De Janeiro shanty towns than at their own marriage. Crazy shit
Pretty tragic, even if persay the wedding party had some terrorists or jihadis hanging around.

Can you imagine? You went to see someone you love marry someone they love, and then all your relatives and friends are blown to pieces without warning.

Not nice.
1)Congrats!! to a Lovely Pair.....of Smart Bombs!

shit sorry guys...I'm drawing a blank...

edit, thought of another one.

2) To death do they (body) parts
Different culture! Hard to judge!

Sherdog really knows how to run a joke into the ground.

I'll be honest, I'm not super chuffed about going to Saudi in a couple weeks.

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