At home Drills


White Belt
Oct 15, 2005
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I wasnt sure where to post this so I posted it here because its most active. Ive been training for about 4 months now in BJJ and MT and I am leaving for a month to another city where I will not be training at a gym. I plan to run and lift as usual, but besides these two things can any of you recommend any individual at home drills I can do? Much appreciated.
Rate05 said:
I wasnt sure where to post this so I posted it here because its most active. Ive been training for about 4 months now in BJJ and MT and I am leaving for a month to another city where I will not be training at a gym. I plan to run and lift as usual, but besides these two things can any of you recommend any individual at home drills I can do? Much appreciated.

Um...I guess you could like work on your shrimping and umpahs. Maybe try to find a gym around there and see if you can get a month tutition or something.
Well, always stretch out everyday, do the same stretches you do during class.
Buy a skipping rope and do 3 rounds of 3 minutes. When you wake up, Before Dinner, Before bed. (Along with all your training)
You can practice your armbar from mount, sidecontrol and knee rides and moving between all these positions with a punching bad laid flat on the floor. Its not the best but could be better than nothing.

sprawl drills are pretty hard. you could practice sit-throughs and your penetration step too.

also, if you have a medicine ball, you could put it on the ground where your opponents head is usually at, assume a mounted or side control postion relative to the ball, and practice ground and pounding it.
at 4 months you can learn alot from solo practice. I have a small (less than 10 x 10) area that I work out in.

standing ... in Judo we do alot of naked loads. the whole step across and turn thing is hard for people to do. Also lowering you hip for throws needs not only leg strength but also stabilty balance and form.

shooting ... you can never do to many duck walks or shots.

hand games ... just like shadow boxing is to a striker try some set ups and visualize different tie ups.

Hindu squats ...

on the ground.

oompas ... traingles ... elbows escapes ... repostitioning guards ... turning from being pinned in north south to bringing your legs over you ack and spinning back into guard ... look at some of the gynastic natural type of motions ...

wrestling sit outs ... bridges ... hip heists ...

the lsit can be endless ... also one thing I did that I got from boxing was to tie a string accross the room low. .. then shoot under it and try to keep good form.

and then you have all sorts of calistetic excercises. walking on your hands... break falls... gymnastics.

witht his type of training itll be a long time before you even need weights.
dude at home drills are an essentail part of my training, Do hip hiest, granby rolls, monkey rolls, bridging, shrimping, sit outs and switches. If you don't know what those are, let me know and I will tell you. it may only take 10 minutes to do them but they will keep your ground movement razor sharp.
I got the rest, but might you kindly explain granby rolls, monkey rolls, and switches.
This is all good stuff. Yeah, sit outs, bridges, shrimps. Don't forget foward moving shrimps. Everyone always just does them backwards.

I like to clear out enough space in the living room just to work on rolling around. Foward rolls, backward rolls, sit outs...keep moving. Do it steady for about 5 minutes and you get winded and disoriented.

There's also a cool drill: start on your back. Bridge up, slip to side mount position (legs extended, spread). Transition to kesa gatame. Quickly back to your back, repeat other side.

Tie your gi belt around a door knob and practice throws with it.

Judo hops: push up position. Hop across the floor (i.e. all four limbs will be off the ground at the same time and land at the same time. Move across the floor).
Bubble Boy said:
Tie your gi belt around a door knob and practice throws with it.

I just bought a "Theraband" for this kind of thing. It's basically just a strong rubber band that you can play with.

I plan to use it for punching and "throwing" practice although I'm a little worried it's going to mess up the form on my punches.

Anyone else got one? What do you do with it?

I often add sprawls to my shadow boxing - just drop down, triangle your legs out and get back up - no need for an opponent.

Like this thread btw - I did a similar one on punch bag exercises if you can find it.
ever seen Choke with Rickson Gracie?

the exercise he did at the beach, imagine doing that everyday?!!!!

that has got to contribute quite a bit.
clarkgriswold said:
I got the rest, but might you kindly explain granby rolls, monkey rolls, and switches.

My pleasure, Monkey Rolls are when you are on all fours and you roll through your legs, using either hand to lead with, just like doing a roll through kneebar. Switches and granby's are pure wrestling technique and rather than try to explain them in words just go to and look under their techniques section, they will have actual pictures and video clips of these techniques in action, I have some pictures of granby's and switches but I don't know if my scanner works, if you have problems on that website, let me know I will do what I can.
This is a great thread! There's not a grappling school in my area so i've been buying videos and watching them, but have no one to really train with. I've tried loaning out some of them to guys at the school I train at, but can't seem to get enough interest for a regular training partner. Keep up the good advice!
Waxwingslain said:
I just bought a "Theraband" for this kind of thing. It's basically just a strong rubber band that you can play with.

I plan to use it for punching and "throwing" practice although I'm a little worried it's going to mess up the form on my punches.

Anyone else got one? What do you do with it?

I often add sprawls to my shadow boxing - just drop down, triangle your legs out and get back up - no need for an opponent.

Like this thread btw - I did a similar one on punch bag exercises if you can find it.

On the rubber band exercises; I've seen exercises like that done in a book on Chinese wrestling, Kuai Jiao. It helped me improve my hip and arm throws.
I think most people get bored with shrimping, bridging,
doing the egg beater (guard) but like Rickson did, you can chain them
together into one harmonious motion, like a dance, like a karate form,
and then you can start doing them more advance, like not using your
hands at all.
get a heavy back and put it in your guard practice shrimping out from underneath it. and sweeping it. it will strenghten your abs and legs up as well as keep you agile on your back. also good for practicing your gnp.